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namespace 网上订餐系统.菜单
public partial class List : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
int pageSize=5 ;
int page;
int scid ;
int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["p"], out page);
int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["Scid"], out scid);
if (page <= 0)
page = 1;
SqlServer db = new SqlServer();
string condition = " 1=1 ";
if (scid > 0)
condition += " and Scid=@Scid";
db.AddSqlParameter("@Scid", scid);
db.SQL = "select 种类 from 菜分类表 where Scid=@Scid";
this.Literal系列名称.Text = (string)db.ExcuteScalar();
this.Literal系列名称.Text = "浏览菜单";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["key"]))
condition += " and 菜名 like '%'+@key+'%'";
db.AddSqlParameter("@key", Request.QueryString["key"]);
this.Literal系列名称.Text += " > " + Request.QueryString["key"];
int recordCount;
DataTable dt = db.GetPagingInfo("菜单表", "*", condition,"cID desc" , page, pageSize, out recordCount);
this.DataList菜色. DataSource = dt; //告诉rptList控件,它要显示的数据来从哪儿
this.PagingBar1.CurrentPage = page; 展开
public partial class List : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
int pageSize=5 ;
int page;
int scid ;
int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["p"], out page);
int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["Scid"], out scid);
if (page <= 0)
page = 1;
SqlServer db = new SqlServer();
string condition = " 1=1 ";
if (scid > 0)
condition += " and Scid=@Scid";
db.AddSqlParameter("@Scid", scid);
db.SQL = "select 种类 from 菜分类表 where Scid=@Scid";
this.Literal系列名称.Text = (string)db.ExcuteScalar();
this.Literal系列名称.Text = "浏览菜单";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["key"]))
condition += " and 菜名 like '%'+@key+'%'";
db.AddSqlParameter("@key", Request.QueryString["key"]);
this.Literal系列名称.Text += " > " + Request.QueryString["key"];
int recordCount;
DataTable dt = db.GetPagingInfo("菜单表", "*", condition,"cID desc" , page, pageSize, out recordCount);
this.DataList菜色. DataSource = dt; //告诉rptList控件,它要显示的数据来从哪儿
this.PagingBar1.CurrentPage = page; 展开