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随着市场竞争的日益加剧、世界经济一体化的程度的加快和科学技术的飞速发展,许多企业已经把物流作为提高竞争力和提升核心的竞争能力的重要手段,将先进的物流理论和物流技术引入企业的生产和经营管理中。作为实现物流合理化的重要内容和手段,研究车辆路径有助于企业降低物流成本,提高运作效率,全面提高顾客满意度。由于车辆路径问题将运筹学理论与生产实践紧密的结合在一起,近几十年来缺德了许多成果,一次被称为“最近几十年运筹学领域最成功的研究之一” 造成物流运输配送成本居高不下的主要原因是出现了一些不些不合理的运输和方式,如对流运输、迂回运输、最短路径运输和配送,非满载运输等,这些都会导致运输和配送服务水平难以提高,因此对运输和配送问题进行优化就显得非常有意义。本论文主要从以下几个方面对物流运输配送问题展开研究;
[关键词] 路径优化;运输;物流 展开
随着市场竞争的日益加剧、世界经济一体化的程度的加快和科学技术的飞速发展,许多企业已经把物流作为提高竞争力和提升核心的竞争能力的重要手段,将先进的物流理论和物流技术引入企业的生产和经营管理中。作为实现物流合理化的重要内容和手段,研究车辆路径有助于企业降低物流成本,提高运作效率,全面提高顾客满意度。由于车辆路径问题将运筹学理论与生产实践紧密的结合在一起,近几十年来缺德了许多成果,一次被称为“最近几十年运筹学领域最成功的研究之一” 造成物流运输配送成本居高不下的主要原因是出现了一些不些不合理的运输和方式,如对流运输、迂回运输、最短路径运输和配送,非满载运输等,这些都会导致运输和配送服务水平难以提高,因此对运输和配送问题进行优化就显得非常有意义。本论文主要从以下几个方面对物流运输配送问题展开研究;
[关键词] 路径优化;运输;物流 展开
Abstract With the increasing competition in the market, the degree of integration of the world economy to accelerate the rapid development of science and technology, many enterprises have the logistics as to improve competitiveness and enhance the core competitiveness of an important means of advanced logistics theory and logistics technology into the production and operation management. As an important part of the rationalization of logistics and means of vehicle routing helps companies reduce logistics costs, improve operational efficiency, improve customer satisfaction. As the vehicle routing problem with the theory of operations research and production practice closer together, a lot of achievements in recent decades, wicked, once known as the "field of operations research in recent decades one of the most successful research" costs caused by transportation and distribution logistics the main reason is the emergence of the high number of transport and not some irrational way, such as convective transport, circuitous transport, transport and distribution of the shortest path, non-load transport, etc. These will lead to transport and distribution is difficult to improve service levels, and therefore optimize transportation and distribution problems, it is very meaningful. This thesis mainly from the following aspects of transport logistics and distribution issues research;
[Key words] path optimization; transport; logistics
[Key words] path optimization; transport; logistics
With the rapid development of increasingly fierce market competition, the degree of integration of the world economy and the acceleration of science and technology, many enterprises have logistics as an important means to improve competitiveness and enhance the core competition ability, advanced logistics theory and logistics technology into the enterprise production and management. As an important approach to realize logistic rationalization, research on vehicle routing will help enterprises to reduce logistics cost, improve operation efficiency, enhance customer satisfaction. Because vehicle routing problems in operations research theory and practice closely together, in recent years. Many achievements, once known as the "one" research in recent decades most successful areas in operations research mainly caused by the high cost of logistics transportation and distribution is the emergence of some not some unreasonable transportation and methods, such as convective transport, circuitous transportation, the shortest path transportation and distribution, non - load transport, which will lead to improved transportation and distribution service level, it is very meaningful to the optimization of transportation and distribution problem. This paper mainly from the following aspects of logistics transportation and distribution issues;
[keyword] path optimization; transportation; logistics
With the rapid development of increasingly fierce market competition, the degree of integration of the world economy and the acceleration of science and technology, many enterprises have logistics as an important means to improve competitiveness and enhance the core competition ability, advanced logistics theory and logistics technology into the enterprise production and management. As an important approach to realize logistic rationalization, research on vehicle routing will help enterprises to reduce logistics cost, improve operation efficiency, enhance customer satisfaction. Because vehicle routing problems in operations research theory and practice closely together, in recent years. Many achievements, once known as the "one" research in recent decades most successful areas in operations research mainly caused by the high cost of logistics transportation and distribution is the emergence of some not some unreasonable transportation and methods, such as convective transport, circuitous transportation, the shortest path transportation and distribution, non - load transport, which will lead to improved transportation and distribution service level, it is very meaningful to the optimization of transportation and distribution problem. This paper mainly from the following aspects of logistics transportation and distribution issues;
[keyword] path optimization; transportation; logistics