I Just Can't Stop Loving You的歌曲对白
《BAD》专辑里有5只单曲都登上了冠军宝座,单曲I Just Can't Stop Loving You是其中之一.
I Just Can't Stop Loving You是众所期待的1987年《BAD》专辑里的首发单曲。
I Just Can't Stop Loving You是MJ为数不多的对唱歌曲中的一首,旋律很优美,歌词也很棒!
I just wanna lay next to you for a while. You look so beautiful tonight. Your eyes are so lovely, your mouth is so sweet. A lot of people misunderstand me, that's because they don't know me at all. I just wanna touch you, and hold you. I need you. God I need you. I love you so much.