
近年校园暴力的问题不时见诸报端,而且还有逐步增长的趋势,成为让全球头痛的问题。由校园暴力的特殊性所决定,学校对校园暴力的产生负有首要责任,教育模式的明显功利性、教师权威的... 近年校园暴力的问题不时见诸报端,而且还有逐步增长的趋势,成为让全球头痛的问题。由校园暴力的特殊性所决定,学校对校园暴力的产生负有首要责任,教育模式的明显功利性、教师权威的负面作用,以及教师队伍建设中的漏洞,均是校园暴力得以产生的重要原因。而家庭和社会对校园暴力亦负有不可推卸的责任。无论是家庭教育的失败、家庭结构的缺陷,还是暴力文化的泛滥、大众传媒的影响等,都是校园暴力的重要致因。此外,主体自身生理、心理素质,对于决定其能否抵御外界各种不良影响,是否实施暴行具有根本意义。因此,家庭、学校和青少年自身等都有可能是校园暴力形成的原因。
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2008-06-02 · TA获得超过391个赞
Recent years campus' problem of the violence often see various report to carry, and still have gradually growth of trend, become a problem that let world's headache.From campus violence of special sex decision, school to campus violence of creation negative have an initial responsibility, education mode of obvious the negative function of utility, teacher's authority, and teacher troops construction medium of the loophole all is a campus violence can creation of importance reason.But family and society to campus violence as well negative have the responsibility that can't evade.Regardless is the failure, family of the home education structure of blemish, still violence culture of deluge, the public's media of influence etc., is all campus violence of importance with the result that because of.In addition, corpus oneself physiology, mental state character, can resist for decide it the external world various bad influence, whether implement the unruly conduct have root meaning.Therefore, the family, school and teenager oneself etc. all probably is a campus violence formation of reason.
The social work method has it the special function in solve the campus the violence the problem, at teenager's oneself, school and family etc. all ability have certain of function.First, its ability help the perfect oneself of teenager, secondly, its ability assistance the school adopt a crisis intervention to the student, end, it ability instruction parent improvement family environment.This text will reach agreement campus definitely from the study prevention of the sociology angle violence of can line measure.
2008-06-02 · TA获得超过2878个赞
In recent years the problem of school violence Xianzhubaoduan from time to time, but also the trend of gradual growth, to become a global headache. By the special nature of campus violence by the decision, school violence on campus have the primary responsibility of the education model clearly utilitarian, the negative effects of the authority of teachers and teachers in the building of the ranks of the loopholes to school violence is the major cause . And family and social violence on the campus also has an unshirkable responsibility. Whether the failure of family education, family structure of the defect, or the spread of a culture of violence, the impact of mass media, are important to the campus because of the violence. In addition, the main self-physical, psychological quality, and its decision can withstand the adverse impact of the outside world, it is fundamental to the implementation of the atrocities. Therefore, families, schools and young people themselves, and so may be the causes of school violence.
Social work methods in solving the problem of school violence has its unique role in the young people themselves, schools and families, and other areas can play a role. First, it can help young people improve their own and, secondly, it can assist the students to the school crisis intervention, finally, it can guide the parents to improve the family environment. This paper will be sociological point of view of school violence prevention and resolution of possible measures.
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2008-06-03 · TA获得超过448个赞
In recent years , the campus-violence problem appear in report frequently, and tend to grow gradually, this make it a serious problem for the people all over the world. Considering of the specific characteristics of this problem,school has a initial responsibility for the beginning of it ,such as the obvious negative function of utility of the education mode , teacher's authority, and loopholes in the teacher troops construction,all of which form the campus-violence.
And family and society have the responsibility that can't evade as well. No matter the failure in the family eduation,the defect in the family structure, or the skoob of the violence culture , the influnence of the public media etc.,are all important factors which result in campus violence.What`s more ,the psychology and physiolog quality of themselves has fundamental meaning to deside whether they can resist the miasma of the ouside world,and do acts of violence. Therefore, the family,school,and the youngster themselves are all the possible cause of campus violence.
The social work method itself has a special function in solve the campus violence ,can work on the youngester ,family and school.For one thing, it can help the youngester integrate themselves ;for another,it can direct the parents to perfect the family environment. This composition probe into the campus violence sociologically to find a workable way to solve it.
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