I find big cities somewhat overwhelming, a little too noisy and a little too dirty, and I think it's easy to be lonely in the city because there are so many people that everyone keeps to themselves. People are more often rude because they assume that they'll never see each other again.
On the other hand, there are things to do in the city, and nothing to do in a small town unless you really like mini-golfing all the time. Cities have museums and community theatres and culture and other sorts of things, and you can find any kind of esoteric thing that you like. Small towns might not have a good Thai restaurant or a second-hand bookstore or other things that I really miss when there are none around. Living in the city has spoiled me in that I'm used to being able to go out and get this or that, but where I live now, I can't.
I've always found that it's harder to get hired for a part-time job in the city, but at least interesting ones exist. In the middle of nowhere, there's nothing to do except retail or food service or that sort of thing, all the worst jobs that are completely uninteresting and no one wants to do.
On the other hand, there are things to do in the city, and nothing to do in a small town unless you really like mini-golfing all the time. Cities have museums and community theatres and culture and other sorts of things, and you can find any kind of esoteric thing that you like. Small towns might not have a good Thai restaurant or a second-hand bookstore or other things that I really miss when there are none around. Living in the city has spoiled me in that I'm used to being able to go out and get this or that, but where I live now, I can't.
I've always found that it's harder to get hired for a part-time job in the city, but at least interesting ones exist. In the middle of nowhere, there's nothing to do except retail or food service or that sort of thing, all the worst jobs that are completely uninteresting and no one wants to do.
留在大城市 那有发展的空间 那竞争厉害 但是收入也高 也算是见过大世面 不要做井底之蛙
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