WORKING IN TEAMS:a positive experience
Working in a team completely changed my outlook on working life.
says administrative assistant,Nesreen Mohamed.Until then,my work had consisted of carrying out tasks given me by my bosses,and I have very little say in what the end result would be ,or how it would be achieved.Working in a team allows you to work on something you believe in.It gives you some independece from the rest of the organisation,and you meet other people from the organisation and work with them on a more equal basis.Because the have different skills from yours,you also learn from them.I think it has been wonderful for my self-esteem.
Nesreen,who works in a multinational oil company,is not unique.Many people have had similar positive reactions to working in teams.It's a sociable,supportive and stimulating way to work,and as such brings benefits to the organisation too,as management specialist James Curley points out:Teams are usually multidisciplined,which means you have people from different depatments with a wide range of opinions and skills.As a result,the treatment of problems and projects is much more dynamic and imaginative than when individuals work separately on a problem of project.A team is more likely to produce a workable result,because its decisions have to be discussed by all its members.Moreove,nowadays most projects are too complex to be handled by individuals working separately. 展开
Working in a team completely changed my outlook on working life.
says administrative assistant,Nesreen Mohamed.Until then,my work had consisted of carrying out tasks given me by my bosses,and I have very little say in what the end result would be ,or how it would be achieved.Working in a team allows you to work on something you believe in.It gives you some independece from the rest of the organisation,and you meet other people from the organisation and work with them on a more equal basis.Because the have different skills from yours,you also learn from them.I think it has been wonderful for my self-esteem.
Nesreen,who works in a multinational oil company,is not unique.Many people have had similar positive reactions to working in teams.It's a sociable,supportive and stimulating way to work,and as such brings benefits to the organisation too,as management specialist James Curley points out:Teams are usually multidisciplined,which means you have people from different depatments with a wide range of opinions and skills.As a result,the treatment of problems and projects is much more dynamic and imaginative than when individuals work separately on a problem of project.A team is more likely to produce a workable result,because its decisions have to be discussed by all its members.Moreove,nowadays most projects are too complex to be handled by individuals working separately. 展开
“团队合作彻底改变了我的职业观”行政助理Nesreen Mohamed说。一直以来,我都机械的埋头做着老板交给的活儿,成效甚微。而团队合作却可以增加你的信心。你会从中变得更加独立,各部门间的合作交流也会使结果团队合作:有益的经历
“团队合作彻底改变了我的职业观”行政助理Nesreen Mohamed说。一直以来,我都机械的埋头做着老板交给的活儿,成效甚微。而团队合作却可以增加你的信心,使各种工作变得更加公平。因为可以相互学习,集思广益,更可以树立自尊心。
Nesreen 就职于跨国石油公司,他的经历并不特殊。很多经历过团队合作的人都会变得更加积极的活跃在一个团队。那种友好的,鼓励激励人心的氛围对个人还是公司都大有益处。正如项目主管 James Curley指出的那样:团队总是多层次的,不同部门的人观点不同和技能多样。对待项目和解决问题就变得更加有活力和想象力。团队通过讨论能够创造出更加切实可行的结论,而且现在的项目都是及其复杂仅凭个人难以独立完成的。
“团队合作彻底改变了我的职业观”行政助理Nesreen Mohamed说。一直以来,我都机械的埋头做着老板交给的活儿,成效甚微。而团队合作却可以增加你的信心。你会从中变得更加独立,各部门间的合作交流也会使结果团队合作:有益的经历
“团队合作彻底改变了我的职业观”行政助理Nesreen Mohamed说。一直以来,我都机械的埋头做着老板交给的活儿,成效甚微。而团队合作却可以增加你的信心,使各种工作变得更加公平。因为可以相互学习,集思广益,更可以树立自尊心。
Nesreen 就职于跨国石油公司,他的经历并不特殊。很多经历过团队合作的人都会变得更加积极的活跃在一个团队。那种友好的,鼓励激励人心的氛围对个人还是公司都大有益处。正如项目主管 James Curley指出的那样:团队总是多层次的,不同部门的人观点不同和技能多样。对待项目和解决问题就变得更加有活力和想象力。团队通过讨论能够创造出更加切实可行的结论,而且现在的项目都是及其复杂仅凭个人难以独立完成的。