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国际奥委会第二任主席:顾拜旦 Pierre de Coubertin
第二届国际奥委会主席勒巴龙·皮埃尔·顾拜旦(Pierre de Coubertin、法国)的故居在法国的诺曼底省的米尔维勒城堡,古堡的门口有一块牌子,上面写着现代奥运之父、教育家、历史学家皮埃尔·顾拜旦:1863—1937。
1894年6月,国际奥林匹克委员会在巴黎索邦大学宣告成立,由于第一届奥运 会将在希腊的雅典进行,所以希腊人维克拉斯出任国际奥委会的第一任主席,顾 拜旦出任秘书长,1896年顾拜旦出任国际奥委会主席,他在这个位置上干了近三十年,直到1925年。他认为体育是很重要的手段,同时历史也具有非常的重要性,研究历史、了解历史、了解别人,我们不能仅仅知道本民族什么时候战胜别人的历史,必须去了解他人,了解他人对顾拜旦来说其重要性在于避免战争,如果各民族相互之间经常协商讨论的话那么他们就不会去打仗,而且奥林匹克本身也是历史,奥林匹克是从历史渊源而生的。
现任国际奥委会主席萨马兰奇认为顾拜旦的伟大功绩在于将体育运动提高到具有普遍价值的高度,并赋予奥林匹克运动发展的理论和实践。为了维持奥运会的正常运作,顾拜旦本人无偿投入了大量的资金,到后来他不得不变卖了自己的家产,晚年的顾拜旦过着非常清贫拮据的生活。顾拜旦使原来古希腊各个城邦之间的举行的古奥运会变成了今天全世界大部分国家和地区都可以参加的现代奥林 匹克运动,同时他一生所倡导的奥林匹克精神和宗旨也在国际交往中发挥着无以替代的作用和影响力,顾拜旦实现了自己的梦想,1937年9月2日,顾拜旦在日内瓦公园散步,坐在一张长椅上猝然长逝,享年74岁。
Pierre de Coubertin President of the IOC from 1896 to 1925: Pierre de Coubertin
Pierre de Frédy, Baron de Coubertin was born on 1 January 1863 at 20, rue Oudinot in Paris. Very early in life he showed a liking for literature, history and the problems of education and sociology. Giving up the army, abandoning too the political career that was open to him at the age of twenty-four, Pierre de Coubertin decided to launch a vast movement of educational reform, and at twenty-five his life work was started.
It is also to him that we owe all the organisation of the Olympic Games, which have benefited from his methodical and precise mind, and from his wide understanding of the aspirations and needs of young people. The Olympic Charter and Protocol, as well as the athletes' oath are his work, together with the ceremonial for the opening and closing of the Games. Furthermore, until 1925 he personally presided over the International Olympic Committee.
The title of Honorary President of the Olympic Games was bestowed on him in 1925 until his death in 1937. It was decided that no other President would ever be granted this honour again. The revival of the Olympic Games represents only a small part of the Baron de Coubertin's work. Apart from numerous publications devoted to the technique and teaching of sport, he was the author of important historial, political and sociological studies. His works total over sixty thousand pages.
He died on 2 September 1937 in Geneva having spent his entire fortune on his ideals. He is considered one of the great men of the 20th century. In accordance with his last wishes, his heart was interred at Olympia (Greece), in the marble monument commemorating the revival of the Olympic Games.
2008-04-16 第29届奥运会官方网站
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国际奥委会第二任主席:顾拜旦 Pierre de Coubertin
第二届国际奥委会主席勒巴龙·皮埃尔·顾拜旦(Pierre de Coubertin、法国)的故居在法国的诺曼底省的米尔维勒城堡,古堡的门口有一块牌子,上面写着现代奥运之父、教育家、历史学家皮埃尔·顾拜旦:1863—1937。
1894年6月,国际奥林匹克委员会在巴黎索邦大学宣告成立,由于第一届奥运 会将在希腊的雅典进行,所以希腊人维克拉斯出任国际奥委会的第一任主席,顾 拜旦出任秘书长,1896年顾拜旦出任国际奥委会主席,他在这个位置上干了近三十年,直到1925年。他认为体育是很重要的手段,同时历史也具有非常的重要性,研究历史、了解历史、了解别人,我们不能仅仅知道本民族什么时候战胜别人的历史,必须去了解他人,了解他人对顾拜旦来说其重要性在于避免战争,如果各民族相互之间经常协商讨论的话那么他们就不会去打仗,而且奥林匹克本身也是历史,奥林匹克是从历史渊源而生的。
现任国际奥委会主席萨马兰奇认为顾拜旦的伟大功绩在于将体育运动提高到具有普遍价值的高度,并赋予奥林匹克运动发展的理论和实践。为了维持奥运会的正常运作,顾拜旦本人无偿投入了大量的资金,到后来他不得不变卖了自己的家产,晚年的顾拜旦过着非常清贫拮据的生活。顾拜旦使原来古希腊各个城邦之间的举行的古奥运会变成了今天全世界大部分国家和地区都可以参加的现代奥林 匹克运动,同时他一生所倡导的奥林匹克精神和宗旨也在国际交往中发挥着无以替代的作用和影响力,顾拜旦实现了自己的梦想,1937年9月2日,顾拜旦在日内瓦公园散步,坐在一张长椅上猝然长逝,享年74岁。
Pierre de Coubertin President of the IOC from 1896 to 1925: Pierre de Coubertin
Pierre de Frédy, Baron de Coubertin was born on 1 January 1863 at 20, rue Oudinot in Paris. Very early in life he showed a liking for literature, history and the problems of education and sociology. Giving up the army, abandoning too the political career that was open to him at the age of twenty-four, Pierre de Coubertin decided to launch a vast movement of educational reform, and at twenty-five his life work was started.
It is also to him that we owe all the organisation of the Olympic Games, which have benefited from his methodical and precise mind, and from his wide understanding of the aspirations and needs of young people. The Olympic Charter and Protocol, as well as the athletes' oath are his work, together with the ceremonial for the opening and closing of the Games. Furthermore, until 1925 he personally presided over the International Olympic Committee.
The title of Honorary President of the Olympic Games was bestowed on him in 1925 until his death in 1937. It was decided that no other President would ever be granted this honour again. The revival of the Olympic Games represents only a small part of the Baron de Coubertin's work. Apart from numerous publications devoted to the technique and teaching of sport, he was the author of important historial, political and sociological studies. His works total over sixty thousand pages.
He died on 2 September 1937 in Geneva having spent his entire fortune on his ideals. He is considered one of the great men of the 20th century. In accordance with his last wishes, his heart was interred at Olympia (Greece), in the marble monument commemorating the revival of the Olympic Games.
参考资料: http://www.eol.cn/olympic_famous_5561/20080416/t20080416_291780.shtml
Pierre de Coubertin, the modern Olympic Games sponsors, as the "father of the modern Olympic", life-long advocate the Olympic spirit. 1863 Jan. 1 was born in Paris, France, from 1896 to 1925 as the International Olympic Committee, is also the Olympic emblem, the designers of the Olympic flag. Coubertin is not only a world renowned international sports events, and is also renowned for their achievements in education experts and historians. The second session of the International Olympic Committee President Lebaron Pierre Coubertin's house in the French province of Normandy Mierweile castle, the castle entrance is a sign that reads, the father of the modern Olympic Games,
Pierre Frédy, Baron de Coubertin, was born in Paris in 1863. His family originated in Normandy where he spent many of his summers in the family Château de Mirville, near Le Havre. He refused the military career planned for him by his family, as well as renouncing a promising political career. By the age of 24 he had already decided the aim of his life: he would help bring back the noble spirit of France by reforming its old-fashioned and unimaginative education system. Coubertin, whose father was an artist and mother a musician, was raised in cultivated and aristocratic surroundings. He had always been deeply interested in questions of education. For him, education was the key to the future of society, and he sought the means to make France rise once more after its defeat in the war in 1870.
Coubertin was a very active sportsman and practiced the sports of boxing, fencing, horse-riding and rowing. He was convinced that sport was the springboard for moral energy and he defended his idea with rare tenacity. It was this conviction that led him to announce at the age of 31 that he wanted to revive the Olympic Games. He made this announcement in a meeting at the Union of French Societies of Athletic Sports (USFSA), for which he was Secretary General. No one really believed him and his statement was greeted with little enthusiasm.
Coubertin was a very active sportsman and practiced the sports of boxing, fencing, horse-riding and rowing. He was convinced that sport was the springboard for moral energy and he defended his idea with rare tenacity. It was this conviction that led him to announce at the age of 31 that he wanted to revive the Olympic Games. He made this announcement in a meeting at the Union of French Societies of Athletic Sports (USFSA), for which he was Secretary General. No one really believed him and his statement was greeted with little enthusiasm.