I am in class one,(改为复数句)
I like collecting stanps.(改为一般疑问句)
She reads English every morning.(改为否定句)
I was biowing uo the ballnoons.(改1般疑问句)
Please close the door.(改为否定句) 展开
I like collecting stanps.(改为一般疑问句)
She reads English every morning.(改为否定句)
I was biowing uo the ballnoons.(改1般疑问句)
Please close the door.(改为否定句) 展开
第一个:we are in class one第二个:do you like collecting stanps?第三个:she does not
I am in Class One,(改为复数句)
We are in Class One.
I like collecting stamps.(改为一般疑问句)
Do you like collecting stamps?
She reads English every morning.(改为否定句)
She doesn't read English every morning.
I was blowing up the ballnoons.(改一般疑问句)
Were you blowing up the balloons?
Please close the door.(改为否定句)
Please don't close the door.
I am in Class One,(改为复数句)
We are in Class One.
I like collecting stamps.(改为一般疑问句)
Do you like collecting stamps?
She reads English every morning.(改为否定句)
She doesn't read English every morning.
I was blowing up the ballnoons.(改一般疑问句)
Were you blowing up the balloons?
Please close the door.(改为否定句)
Please don't close the door.
I am in class one,(改为复数句)
We are in class one
I like collecting stanps.(改为一般疑问句)
Do I like collecting stamps?
She reads English every morning.(改为否定句)
She doesn't read English every morning
I was biowing uo the ballnoons.(改1般疑问句)
Was I blowing up the ballnoons?
Please close the door.(改为否定句)
Please don't close the door
We are in class one
I like collecting stanps.(改为一般疑问句)
Do I like collecting stamps?
She reads English every morning.(改为否定句)
She doesn't read English every morning
I was biowing uo the ballnoons.(改1般疑问句)
Was I blowing up the ballnoons?
Please close the door.(改为否定句)
Please don't close the door
We are in class one .
Do you like collecting stamps?
She doesn't read English every morning.
这一句你打错了吧 biowing uo???你再检查一下拼写。
Don't close the door.
Do you like collecting stamps?
She doesn't read English every morning.
这一句你打错了吧 biowing uo???你再检查一下拼写。
Don't close the door.
we are in class one
Do I like collecting stamps?
She does not read English every morning
Was I blowing up the ballnoons?
Please do not close the door
Do I like collecting stamps?
She does not read English every morning
Was I blowing up the ballnoons?
Please do not close the door