don't cry 之情景解读 这首歌在我耳边响了好多年了.耳熟能详,歌词亦能背下。但真正体会这首歌还是最近的事(最近好像一下子明白了很多事似的)。 这是一个分手的夜晚,几下金属分解和弦后强劲有力的鼓点带我进入了这个难忘的夜。Talk to me softly There's something in your eyes Don't hang your head in sorrow And please don't cry I know how you feel inside I've I've been there before Somethin's changin' inside you And don't you know (见面~~~~) “轻轻地告诉我,你眼里为何闪烁着泪光,不要这么悲伤,把头抬起来好吗?哦~请你不要哭!我知道你心里已不再爱我,我也知道你此刻的心情,我同你一样的难受~~~~” Don't you cry tonight I still love you baby Don't you cry tonight Don't you cry tonight There's a heaven above you baby And don't you cry tonight (流泪~~~~) “今夜不要哭泣! 无论怎样?我依然爱你。 哦~请你不要哭泣!快乐的天堂离你很近。” Give me a whisper And give me a sigh Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye (沉默~~~~) “能再让我听一下你的轻声细语吗?能再让我听一下你轻轻的叹息吗?在你离开我之前能再吻我一次吗?” Don't you take it so hard now And please don't take it so bad I'll still be thinkin' of you And the times we had... baby (分手~~~~) “你不要难过,也不要把事情想的很糟,更不必担心我。我会依然想起你,想起我们在一起的美好时光。” And don't you cry tonight Don't you cry tonight Don't you cry tonight There's a heaven above you baby And don't you cry tonight (心痛~~~~) 在slash的吉他中我坠入谷底,那车子燃烧的火焰就在心里煎熬~~。 And please remember that I never lied And please remember How I felt inside now honey You gotta make it your own way But you'll be alright now sugar You'll feel better tomorrow Come the morning light now baby (祝福~~~~) “你知道,我从来没对你说过谎言,我衷心希望你能快乐!宝贝~以后你要自己照顾自己了,当然,你一定会快乐的,明天你就会没事的(其实说给自己听的)。” And don't you cry tonight An don't you cry tonight An don't you cry tonight There's a heaven above you baby And don't you cry (离开~~~~) “你回去吧,天都快亮了。哦不要哭泣,快乐天堂离你很近,把眼泪擦干好吗?” Don't you ever cry Don't you cry tonight Baby maybe someday Don't you cry Don't you ever cry Don't you cry Tonight (迷失~~~~) 不要哭!不要哭!我含着满眼泪水走在着无人的大街上~。AXL那长长的尾音让我透不过气来,似乎在告诉我,你必将经历这很长很长的痛———————— 可能不一定读懂,如果你受过伤,如果你还是那么爱她,希望她快乐,即使在她要和你分手的时候,你还是希望她不要哭泣,这首歌是多么地打动你的内心。 非凡的演唱、非凡的演奏、非凡的情感才是一首不休的柔情金属,每每唱道那句I still love you baby 我总是心里一动。 感谢它.让我有勇气面对以往,面对这长长的痛。