
1.这是我第一次游览西湖。2.达成一致后,他们签署了合同。3.你爬得越高,跌得越重。4.他明确表示他不会同意这个建议。5.他与他的同事们的不同之处在于他把他的业余时间用来... 1. 这是我第一次游览西湖。
2. 达成一致后,他们签署了合同。
3. 你爬得越高,跌得越重。
4. 他明确表示他不会同意这个建议。
5. 他与他的同事们的不同之处在于他把他的业余时间用来读书。
6. 他很生气,以致于没讲一句话就离开了房间。
7. 直到截止日他才寄出他的申请表。
8. 这位女士流着眼泪,看着她受伤的儿子被送进手术室。
9. 如果你听从了我的忠告,你就不会陷入麻烦。
10. 只有在这个小镇他才感到安全和放松。
11. 孩子们应该至少在二周前做完化学实验。
12. 玛丽不可能接到我的信,否则她上周就该回信了。
13. 他设计了一座桥,把美观与功能完美地结合起来。
14. 她已决定减肥,但发现很难抵制冰淇淋的诱惑。
15. 在如今的竞争社会里,保持幽默感有助于减少压力,发展创造性思维。
16. 经理本可以亲自参加会议,但他去国外出差了。
17. 多数教育家劝告小孩不要沉溺于电脑游戏。
18. 请把电视关掉,因为噪音会使她分心,无法专心做作业。
19. 这是一次重要的约会,请务必不要迟到。
20. 既然我们已经学完这门课程,就应该多做些复习
 我来答
2013-06-17 · TA获得超过291个赞
  1. This is the first time that i travel around the West Lake.

  2. After reaching an agreement, they signed up a contrast.

  3. The higher you climb,the more badly you'll hurt if you fall down.

  4. He has shown his strong unwillingness on agreeing to this advice.

  5. The difference between his co-worker and him is that he spends he free time reading.

  6. He was so angry that he left the room without saying a word.

  7. He didn't send out his application until the dead line.

  8. The lady's eyes were welled up with tears seeing her wounded child being sent to the  operating room.

  9. You wouldn't have got into trouble if you have listened to my advice.

  10. Only can this town make him feel at ease.

  11. The kids should at least finish their chemistry experiments before Tuesday.

  12. Mary couldn't have recieved my letter,otherwise she would have replied to me by last week.

  13. He designed a bridge combing functions and beauty.

  14. She has made up her mind going on a diet,but still find it hard to resist the lure of ice cream.

  15. In the competetive society,keeping a great sense of humor helps people reduce their stress and encourages creativity

  16. The manager could have attended the meeting,but he had  gone abroad anyway.

  17. Most educators warn that children shouldn't be addicted to online games.

  18. Please turn off the TV,as it's a main distraction for your daughter to concentrate on her asignment.

  19. As it's an important appointment,do not be late.

  20. As we have finished the course,you must do a lot of reviewing to make sure you keep the knowledge in mind


2013-06-17 · TA获得超过257个赞
1 this is my first visit to West Lake.
2 after the agreement, they signed a contract.
3 you climb higher, fall more heavily.
4 he made it clear that he will not agree to this proposal.
5 difference between he and his colleagues that he put his spare time for reading.
6 and he was angry, he didn't say a word went out of the room.
7 until the deadline does he send his application.
8 the woman in tears, looking at her son being sent into the operation room.
9 If you had followed my advice, you would not be in trouble.
10 only in the town he feel safe and relaxed.
11 children should at least do chemical experiments in two weeks ago.
12 Marie couldn't have received my letter, otherwise she had anwsered a letter last week.
13 he designed a bridge, the perfect combination of beauty and function.
14 she has decided to lose weight, but found it hard to resist the temptation of ice cream.
15 in today's competitive society, keep a sense of humor helps reduce stress, the development of creative thinking.
16 the manager could personally attend the meeting, but he went abroad on business.
The 17 most educators advise their children not to indulge in computer games.
18 please turn off the TV, because the noise will distract her, can not concentrate on homework.
19 this is an important meeting, please don't be late.
20 now that we have finished the course, we should do more
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