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初中英语问题,解答下!!
1个回答
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1、
Had
he
stopped
talking
when
he
heard
the
ring?
Did
he
stopped
talking
when
he
heard
the
ring?
对,可不翻译,因为他们在这里做的是助动词。
2、如果改肯定句:
He
had
stopped
talking
when
he
heard
the
ring.
He
stopped
talking
when
he
heard
the
ring.
3、否定句:He
hadn't
stopped
talking
when
he
heard
the
ring?
He
didn't
stop
talking
when
he
heard
the
ring/
Had
he
stopped
talking
when
he
heard
the
ring?
Did
he
stopped
talking
when
he
heard
the
ring?
对,可不翻译,因为他们在这里做的是助动词。
2、如果改肯定句:
He
had
stopped
talking
when
he
heard
the
ring.
He
stopped
talking
when
he
heard
the
ring.
3、否定句:He
hadn't
stopped
talking
when
he
heard
the
ring?
He
didn't
stop
talking
when
he
heard
the
ring/
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