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1个回答
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Sinead
O'Connor的a
perfect
indian
Sarah
McLachlan的angel
Gareth
Gates的anyone
of
us
Shakin
Stevens的because
i
love
you
Matthew
Lien的bressanone
Vanessa
Williams的colors
of
the
wind
Simon
&
Garfunkel的el
condor
pasa
The
Police的every
breath
you
take
Michael
Jackson的heal
the
world
Kenny
Rogers
的i
swear
Nana的lonely
westlife的my
love
Boyzone的no
matter
what
Trade
Mark的only
love
B.J.Thomas的raindrops
keep
falling
on
my
head
Christina
Aguilera的reflection
Simon
&
Garfunkel的scarborough
fair
Westlife的seasons
in
the
sun
Simon
&
Garfunkel的Simon
&
Garfunkel
Harry
Nilsson的without
you
Carpenters的yesterday
once
more
Michael
Jackson的you
are
not
alone
首首经典,首首好听,不知道你觉得怎么样?
O'Connor的a
perfect
indian
Sarah
McLachlan的angel
Gareth
Gates的anyone
of
us
Shakin
Stevens的because
i
love
you
Matthew
Lien的bressanone
Vanessa
Williams的colors
of
the
wind
Simon
&
Garfunkel的el
condor
pasa
The
Police的every
breath
you
take
Michael
Jackson的heal
the
world
Kenny
Rogers
的i
swear
Nana的lonely
westlife的my
love
Boyzone的no
matter
what
Trade
Mark的only
love
B.J.Thomas的raindrops
keep
falling
on
my
head
Christina
Aguilera的reflection
Simon
&
Garfunkel的scarborough
fair
Westlife的seasons
in
the
sun
Simon
&
Garfunkel的Simon
&
Garfunkel
Harry
Nilsson的without
you
Carpenters的yesterday
once
more
Michael
Jackson的you
are
not
alone
首首经典,首首好听,不知道你觉得怎么样?
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