come get some的中文歌词
宝贝那无所谓Baby it don't matter, 谁都看出痕迹Anyone can see the signs, 我发现你眼神飘过I caught you looking over, 含着微微的轻轻笑意With just a little bit of a smile, 对他说你爱他You tell him that you love him, 你脑海却有我掠过While I'm running through your mind, 因为我懂得你知道'Cos I know that you know, 你的掩饰会显露Your cover will blow, 只是时间问题而已It's only a matter of time, Chorus: 这不是我的格调It's not my style, 又欺骗又说谎 (活着然后错过我)To try and cheat and lie,(to live and pass me by) 你为何还要力求证明Why do you sanctify, 那已逝而不还的事情Something that already died? 我拥有让你回复生气的诀窍I've got something that'll bring you alive 我甜蜜的爱 你可要在屋顶上大叫Are you gonna shout it from the rooftops honey? 告诉我 我就是那个唯一Tell me I'm the only one, 把他抛开 宝贝别一再逃离Kick him to the curb baby don't stop running, 告诉我你会来试试Tell me are you gonna come get some, 要问问自己这个问题Did you ever ask yourself the question, 究竟自己是那里出了错Where the hell did I go wrong? 因为你知道事情过后我会等着你'Cos you know when it's through I'll be waiting for you, 所以告诉我你要如何来试试 来试试So tell me how you're gonna come come come get some? 那些你浪费着的话语All those words you're wasting, 努力说服自己需要多点时间Trying to tell yourself you need more time, 你何苦弄虚做假What's the point in fakin' 你知道你不会把它做对when you know you'll never make it right, 你说你脑里一片混乱you say your head is blurry, 而我无法让你拔离我的混乱but I can't get you out of mine, 我不想给你带来压力I don't mean to cause pressure, 但我不能放任你这样活在谎言里But I just can't let you go on while you're living this lie, (Chorus) Bridge: 被征服了只能等待Crushed out and waiting, 陷入黑暗逐渐褪色Blacked out and fading' 竭尽了倒下而颤抖Flaked out and shaken' 只为你破灭Just breaking for you, 为你破灭Breaking for you, 幻觉中踱步向前Freaked out and pacing, 我无法一直这样继续下去I can't go on like this forever... (Chorus)