
在语音信号的理论和应用中,所用的语音数据大部分都是在接近理想的条件下采集的。然而,在语音通信过程中会不可避免的受到各种噪声的干扰,这种干扰将最终导致接收者接收到的语音信号... 在语音信号的理论和应用中,所用的语音数据大部分都是在接近理想的条件下采集的。然而,在语音通信过程中会不可避免的受到各种噪声的干扰,这种干扰将最终导致接收者接收到的语音信号已非纯净的原始语音,而是受到噪声污染后的带噪语音。

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2008-06-06 · TA获得超过3104个赞
In the speech signal theory and application, the use of voice and data are mostly in nearly ideal conditions of the acquisition. However, in voice communications will be inevitable in the process of being subjected to various noise interference, such interference would lead the recipient to receive the signal is not the pure voice of the original voice, but by the noise pollution after the Noisy voice.
Speech enhancement as a background noise suppression, improve voice quality and effective means, in practical applications have significant value. When the speech enhancement is a voice communications system imported or exported by the noise signal to raise the performance of the technology. Its main purpose is to reduce background noise, improve voice quality or inhibit the same voice channel interference. Simply speaking, with the noise from the speech signal to extract as much as possible the original pure voice. Speech enhancement of the traditional methods are many, such as: filter speech enhancement law, non-linear process speech enhancement, by Spectrum speech enhancement, since the relevant phase subtraction speech enhancement, and so on. Noise cancellation is the basic principle of Noisy Speech in less noise. Adaptive filtering is a class structure and parameters can be changed or adjusted in the system. Adaptive filters commonly used FIR filter, its coefficient can be used both to the smallest (LMS) method estimates. Minimum square (LMS) algorithm and the basic idea gradient method is the same, only different in the gradient vector used to calculate the estimated true to replace the gradient. Therefore, LMS algorithm is derived from the gradient method, the gradient of the approximate simplified, more in line with the practical application
The research adaptive filter speech enhancement in the application of LMS algorithm using adaptive FIR filter design, using principles of adaptive interference cancellation filtered noise, and enhanced voice through the simulation of the effect.
In the pronunciation signal theory and the application, the pronunciation data which uses majority of all is gathers under the close ideal condition.However, can inevitable receive each kind of noise in the pronunciation course of communications the disturbance, this kind of disturbance finally will cause the receive receive pronunciation signal already non-pure primitive pronunciation, after but will be receives the noise pollution the belt chirp pronunciation. The pronunciation enhancement took one kind of suppression background noise, improves the pronunciation quality the effective method, has the important value in the practical application.The pronunciation enhancement is one kind when the pronunciation communications system input or the output signal receive the noise jamming enhances its performance the technology.Its main purpose reduces the background noise, improves the pronunciation quality or suppresses the same sound track pronunciation disturbance.Simple speaking, is withdraws as far as possible the pure primitive pronunciation from the belt noise pronunciation signal.The traditional pronunciation strengthens the method has very much, for example: The filter law pronunciations strengthen, the non-linear processing pronunciation strengthens, reduces the spectral method pronunciation to strengthen, autocorrelation subtractive method pronunciation enhancement and so on.The noise cancels the basic principle is subtracts the noise from the belt chirp pronunciation.The adaptive filtering is studies a kind of structure and the parameter may change or the adjustment system.The auto-adapted filter usually use the FIR filter, its coefficient may use the smallest mean square (LMS) law to carry on the estimate.The smallest mean square (LMS) algorithm
basic mentality with the gradient drop law is consistent, the similarity only lies in the computation to replace the real gradient with the gradient vector estimate.Therefore said, the LMS algorithm is derives by the gradient drop law, is drops to the gradient method approximate simplification, conforms to practical application this topic to study the adaptive filtering to strengthen in the pronunciation the application, designs the FIR auto-adapted filter with the LMS algorithm, with the auto-adapted disturbance cancellation principle filtration noise, and the effect which strengthens through the simulation research pronunciation
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2008-06-06 · TA获得超过1058个赞
In the speech signal theory and application, the use of voice and data are mostly in nearly ideal conditions of the acquisition. However, in voice communications will be inevitable in the process of being subjected to various noise interference, such interference would lead the recipient to receive the signal is not the pure voice of the original voice, but by the noise pollution after the Noisy voice.
Speech enhancement as a background noise suppression, improve voice quality and effective means, in practical applications have significant value. When the speech enhancement is a voice communications system imported or exported by the noise signal to raise the performance of the technology. Its main purpose is to reduce background noise, improve voice quality or inhibit the same voice channel interference. Simply speaking, with the noise from the speech signal to extract as much as possible the original pure voice. Speech enhancement of the traditional methods are many, such as: filter speech enhancement law, non-linear process speech enhancement, by Spectrum speech enhancement, since the relevant phase subtraction speech enhancement, and so on. Noise cancellation is the basic principle of Noisy Speech in less noise. Adaptive filtering is a class structure and parameters can be changed or adjusted in the system. Adaptive filters commonly used FIR filter, its coefficient can be used both to the smallest (LMS) method estimates. Minimum square (LMS) algorithm and the basic idea gradient method is the same, only different in the gradient vector used to calculate the estimated true to replace the gradient. Therefore, LMS algorithm is derived from the gradient method, the gradient of the approximate simplified, more in line with the practical application
The research adaptive filter speech enhancement in the application of LMS algorithm using adaptive FIR filter design, using principles of adaptive interference cancellation filtered noise, and enhanced voice through the simulation of the effect.
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2019-10-04 · TA获得超过3694个赞
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