Remember a singing contest
National Day a few days ago the teacher told us in class at the meeting: "Schools to be held singing contests, competition in our class song was 'Let us Dangqi paddle', we go back to practice more than sing and strive to take a good ranking." Listening the teacher, then we would quickly empty practice the song until it sing by heart.
Competition this day has finally come. Lunch at noon, I excitedly carrying a school bag to school rush, just Jinjiao Men saw a lot of students on campus had already been sitting, and so I quickly ran into the classroom, to lay down their bags, pick up the benches along with his fellow students to join campus ran to find the location of our class, neatly seated.
Race started, the first play is the 23 classes, they sang "Beijing welcomes you", "Beijing welcomes you, the sun-sharing breath, yellow ground, refresh results ---- dream there will be a miracle." Listening to This is exciting, the familiar song, I remembered long ago in our country, the Olympics, I think of athletes in the arena fight scene, I think of the five-star red flag, the champions proud smile -. Finished singing, I and everyone energetically Pai Zhaoshou for them to cheer, cheer for our country.
Race quickly, quickly turn our class play. We are one by one wearing clean uniforms, with bright red scarf, behind a neat team, head held high valiantly turn. Music sounded, we sing out loud. "Let us Dangqi sculls, boat pushing children wave -" The Phantom of melodious sounds, loud voice that I think we like to a boundless sea, the students one by one little boat struggling to forging ahead. Really excited great. We sing over, xintaizi separation of thunderous applause, and we rank of neat team, beaming Zouxia Tai to go.
Singing contest was over, we returned to the classroom teacher to us and said: "Today when we sing the good and have done quite well." Listening to the teacher, we strained the hearts of breath a sigh of relief. "Ring ring ring!" School bell rang, and we happily went home.
【译文】记一次歌唱比赛 国庆节前几天老师在班会上对我们说:“学校要举行歌唱比赛,我们班参赛的歌曲是‘让我们荡起桨’,大家回去要多唱多练,争取取个好名次。”听了老师的话,有空我们就赶紧练习这首歌,直到把它唱的滚瓜烂熟。比赛这天终于来到了。中午吃过午饭,我背着书包兴冲冲往学校赶去,刚进校门就看见校园里已经坐着好多同学了,于是我赶紧跑进教室,放下书包,拿起板凳就跟着同学们一起往校园里跑去,找到我们班所在的位置,规规矩矩坐好。比赛开始了,首先上场的是二三班,他们唱的是“北京欢迎你”“北京欢迎你,太阳下分享呼吸,黄土地上,刷新成绩————有梦想就会有奇迹。”听着这振奋人心,熟悉的歌唱,我想起了前些日子在我们国家举办的奥运会,想起运动员在赛场上拼搏的场面,想起五星红旗下,冠军们骄傲的笑脸——。歌唱完了,我和大家一起使劲拍着手,为他们喝彩,也为我们国家喝彩。比赛进行的很快,很快就轮到我们班上场。我们一个个穿着整洁的校服,带着鲜艳的红领巾,排着整齐的队伍,昂着头,雄赳赳上场了。音乐响起来,我们大声唱着。“让我们荡起双桨,小船儿推开波浪——”歌声悠扬动听,震耳欲聋的歌声里我觉得我们像到了无边无际的海面上,同学们一个个驾着小船奋力往前冲。真是激动极了。我们歌唱完了,台子下响起了雷鸣般的掌声,我们排着整齐队伍,笑容满面的走下台去。歌唱比赛结束后,我们回到教室里,老师来对我们说:“大家今天唱的真好,成绩不错。”听了老师的话,我们紧绷着的心喘了一口气。“铃铃铃!”放学铃响了,我们高高兴兴的回家了。
National Day a few days ago the teacher told us in class at the meeting: "Schools to be held singing contests, competition in our class song was 'Let us Dangqi paddle', we go back to practice more than sing and strive to take a good ranking." Listening the teacher, then we would quickly empty practice the song until it sing by heart.
Competition this day has finally come. Lunch at noon, I excitedly carrying a school bag to school rush, just Jinjiao Men saw a lot of students on campus had already been sitting, and so I quickly ran into the classroom, to lay down their bags, pick up the benches along with his fellow students to join campus ran to find the location of our class, neatly seated.
Race started, the first play is the 23 classes, they sang "Beijing welcomes you", "Beijing welcomes you, the sun-sharing breath, yellow ground, refresh results ---- dream there will be a miracle." Listening to This is exciting, the familiar song, I remembered long ago in our country, the Olympics, I think of athletes in the arena fight scene, I think of the five-star red flag, the champions proud smile -. Finished singing, I and everyone energetically Pai Zhaoshou for them to cheer, cheer for our country.
Race quickly, quickly turn our class play. We are one by one wearing clean uniforms, with bright red scarf, behind a neat team, head held high valiantly turn. Music sounded, we sing out loud. "Let us Dangqi sculls, boat pushing children wave -" The Phantom of melodious sounds, loud voice that I think we like to a boundless sea, the students one by one little boat struggling to forging ahead. Really excited great. We sing over, xintaizi separation of thunderous applause, and we rank of neat team, beaming Zouxia Tai to go.
Singing contest was over, we returned to the classroom teacher to us and said: "Today when we sing the good and have done quite well." Listening to the teacher, we strained the hearts of breath a sigh of relief. "Ring ring ring!" School bell rang, and we happily went home.
【译文】记一次歌唱比赛 国庆节前几天老师在班会上对我们说:“学校要举行歌唱比赛,我们班参赛的歌曲是‘让我们荡起桨’,大家回去要多唱多练,争取取个好名次。”听了老师的话,有空我们就赶紧练习这首歌,直到把它唱的滚瓜烂熟。比赛这天终于来到了。中午吃过午饭,我背着书包兴冲冲往学校赶去,刚进校门就看见校园里已经坐着好多同学了,于是我赶紧跑进教室,放下书包,拿起板凳就跟着同学们一起往校园里跑去,找到我们班所在的位置,规规矩矩坐好。比赛开始了,首先上场的是二三班,他们唱的是“北京欢迎你”“北京欢迎你,太阳下分享呼吸,黄土地上,刷新成绩————有梦想就会有奇迹。”听着这振奋人心,熟悉的歌唱,我想起了前些日子在我们国家举办的奥运会,想起运动员在赛场上拼搏的场面,想起五星红旗下,冠军们骄傲的笑脸——。歌唱完了,我和大家一起使劲拍着手,为他们喝彩,也为我们国家喝彩。比赛进行的很快,很快就轮到我们班上场。我们一个个穿着整洁的校服,带着鲜艳的红领巾,排着整齐的队伍,昂着头,雄赳赳上场了。音乐响起来,我们大声唱着。“让我们荡起双桨,小船儿推开波浪——”歌声悠扬动听,震耳欲聋的歌声里我觉得我们像到了无边无际的海面上,同学们一个个驾着小船奋力往前冲。真是激动极了。我们歌唱完了,台子下响起了雷鸣般的掌声,我们排着整齐队伍,笑容满面的走下台去。歌唱比赛结束后,我们回到教室里,老师来对我们说:“大家今天唱的真好,成绩不错。”听了老师的话,我们紧绷着的心喘了一口气。“铃铃铃!”放学铃响了,我们高高兴兴的回家了。
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