四翻译汉译英5题10%内容如下:1.像你的许多同学一样,你也可能也曾有过亲身经历:有人请求你为外国友人帮忙做点事。2.对不起,这会儿他一定外出在图书馆里。3.我知道我去年错修了一门课程。4不着正装可能会被看成对他人的一种不礼貌。5.别在经理面前说笑话,给他留下“此人不严肃”的印象。6.千万别不带钥匙就离开家门。7. 我在日本见到的女人大多是居家主妇。8.边听音乐边做作业对许多年轻人来说都是一种爱好。9.这些画册非常适合给学龄前儿童看。10.以下是成功商人具备的七项素质。11.希望你喜欢这里的饭菜,请随时告诉我们你喜欢的菜肴。12.体育馆挂了一张有趣的图片,上面是一群熊猫在做各种体育运动。13.留学生必须克服的难题之一和适应国外文化有关。14.要想赢得讲学金,先要取得优异成绩。15.在书面语和口语中都是如此。16.我很抱歉把他的手机摔坏了,就是赶紧外出去给他买一个新的。17.这些讲肯定会有助于你迎接新的挑战。18.不要只是整天坐在电脑面前,什么事情都指望父母帮你做。
Like many of your classmates, you may have had a personal experience: Some people request you to do something to help foreign friends.
I'm sorry, now he must go out in the library.
I know I'm wrong last year to repair a course.
4 vain dress may be seen as an impolite to others.
Do not tell a joke before the manager left him "not serious" impression.
Do not to leave the house with a key.
The woman I saw in Japan are mostly home housewife.
8. Listening to music while doing homework is a hobby for many young people.
These pictures is ideally suited to preschoolers.
10 The following is a successful businessman with seven qualities.
11 I hope you like the food, please do not hesitate to tell us your favorite dishes.
12. Stadium hang an interesting picture above is a group of pandas in various sports.
13 students must overcome one of the problems and adapt to a foreign culture.
14 to win the fellowships, first achieved outstanding results.
15 in the written and spoken language is true.
16 I'm sorry broke his cell phone, and is quickly heading out to buy him a new.
17. These stresses will certainly help you to meet the new challenges.
18 Do not just sit all day in front of a computer, what things are counting on parents to help you do
I'm sorry, now he must go out in the library.
I know I'm wrong last year to repair a course.
4 vain dress may be seen as an impolite to others.
Do not tell a joke before the manager left him "not serious" impression.
Do not to leave the house with a key.
The woman I saw in Japan are mostly home housewife.
8. Listening to music while doing homework is a hobby for many young people.
These pictures is ideally suited to preschoolers.
10 The following is a successful businessman with seven qualities.
11 I hope you like the food, please do not hesitate to tell us your favorite dishes.
12. Stadium hang an interesting picture above is a group of pandas in various sports.
13 students must overcome one of the problems and adapt to a foreign culture.
14 to win the fellowships, first achieved outstanding results.
15 in the written and spoken language is true.
16 I'm sorry broke his cell phone, and is quickly heading out to buy him a new.
17. These stresses will certainly help you to meet the new challenges.
18 Do not just sit all day in front of a computer, what things are counting on parents to help you do
