我的理想大学英语作文 英语作文我理想的大学一百字左右

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2022-11-05 · TA获得超过5451个赞

My new life in the University

As a freshman, I am looking forward to the University, in the imagination of university life is a free,open, is fun, think we are in high school that closed, when read, free university life, open life is atemptation, so everyone look into the University time.

Still remember just entered university, I feel too "this is like a *** all society", because in theUniversity. What are the needs of their own money, in many places need to use the money, in theuniversity campus there are supermarkets, ATM, co *** etics shop, shop, in my opinion at what school are you can buy. Have the people of every hue University, as from different places of society,they play different roles, experience of life, the concentration of the social skills, learn to grow up, at that time a feeling this is I need to place later in life, one must learn to treat your place, but began toafraid. For the free hope seemed to turn to the role of the fear, then started in his bedroom is nothing happened, began to confusion.

Enter the University for a long time, and the side of the students, the teacher had the furthermunication, feel to the strange environment has further understanding, although they are still unable to clear you need some what, ready to do in such an environment of learning, but it seems to the unfamiliar environment with a little the love and interest in exploring.

In the university classroom busy looking for me, for learning is full of curiosity and interest, different from the previous class, I need to experience different course at the University, in different learning environments for learning, is a leap of past life, is a foundation to enter the society, in the busy

On season, primary and secondary school students to Raiders preschool readiness for schoolprimary school freshmen... Junior high school freshmen of senior high school freshmen must.

Busy university classroom looking for the process, behind that confusion seems to have just entered the school strength left to be flung to the four winds, fet.

Now I'm in the university required curriculum -- the military training, military training is very hard, very tired, but full of taste, tired every day to systemic ache, but no way, this is to stick to, must, I need toexperience life in the military, is a pulsory course in University, is the test of my perseverance of the course.

University Library has thousands of books to enrich our brains, University has a full range of sports facilities to enrich our after-school life, University of every hue people when we learn the way one gets along with people, University is a turning point in our life, we enter the stepping stone of society, University Let me even more full of expectation need need




还记得刚进入大学的时候,我感慨过“这好像一个小型的社会”,因为在大学里什么都需要自己给钱,在很多的地方都需要用到钱,在这个大学校园里面有超市、提款机、化妆品店、眼镜店、、、在我看来在学校什么都可以买到.大学里有形形 *** 的人,如同社会上来自不同地方的一样,大家扮演了不同的角色,在这个浓缩的社会中体验生活,学习技能,学会长大,当时感慨过原来这个就是我需要以后生活的地方,一个你必须学会待人处事的地方,但是却开始害怕了.对于自由的期盼似乎变成了对角色的恐惧,于是开始在自己的寝室里无所是事了,开始迷茫了.


在大学忙碌的找教室上课的我,对于学习充满的好奇与兴趣,与以前上课不同,在大学里我需要体验不同的课程,在不同的学习环境学习,是对于以前的生活的一次跨越,是进入社会的一次铺垫,在忙开学季,中小学新生入学准备全攻略幼教入学准备小学新生入学准...初中新生入学准...高中新生入学准碌的大学找教室的过程中,似乎已将刚进学校的那种迷茫的劲抛之脑后,忘到九霄云外了. 现在的我在大学修必修的课程——军训,军训很苦,很累,但是却充满了趣味,每天累到全身的酸痛,但是没有办法,这个是坚持,必须要,是需要我体验的军旅生活,是进入大学的必修课,是考验我毅力的课程.

大学图书馆有万千图书充实我们的大脑,大学有齐全体育设施丰富我们的课余生活,大学有形形 *** 的人待我们学会待人接物,大学是我们曾经生活的转折点,是我们进入社会的垫脚石,大学让我更加充满期待


My ideal school


I hope my ideal school starts at 8.30 a.m. 我希望我的理想学校每天早上8:30才开始上课。because l like to get up late. 因为我每天起床都很晚I hope my ideal school finishes at 4.30 p.m.我希望我的理想学校每天下午4:30就放学。 So l can have lots of time to have a rest and do some after school activities. 那样我就可以多点时间休息以及多点课外活动了。

My ideal school is very large,我的理想学校是很大规模的, it has three tall buildings ,它有3栋很大的大楼, a big dining hall,一个豪华的餐厅 a tennis court,一个网球场, a big playground and a park. 一个大的操场和公园。

We have an hour for lunch,我们有一个小时的午餐时间, we can eat delicious food and chat with each other in the big dining hall.我们可以在那个豪华的餐厅里面吃最美味的食物。

I Love My ideal school!我爱我理想中的学校!


I would have preferred to campus life

I would have preferred to have a rich and colorful life of the university's munity activities, a variety of seminars.

As early as 7:00, 7:00 the evening of the study hall, not allowed to sleep too much, not allowed to open for too long on the bed; canteen meals hope that it will be good, speculation over the weekend will be a timely manner, a number of side dishes, to improve food, fort themselves; There is a very diligent roommate; occasionally take on a library card to the library to be on 23 hours. Classrooms, canteens, dormitories, a library, a university campus life is my all.





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