说说你的学生活,英语六年级作文。  大家帮帮我!

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2016-01-01 · TA获得超过2.2万个赞
able use of the time in college, so that their university life becomes full of dreams for the future to the community has a lot of positive effect. I congratulate you on entering the university campus, perhaps you will say that there is nothing worthy of congratulations on the exam, but I still want to congratulate you, the most not it is also a year of undergraduate school, although it is not your initial dream, but as long as you work hard it will become your place to fly. Bid farewell to the family you alone came here, in this strange place you feel warm, you tell me that you really did not expect, in the University and other provinces of the university should also have a party secretary also remember you, the school will give you a money, and a grant also gave you, he often talk with you. This feeling is like the rain water down your loneliness.
Beginning when you are confident, you said in the university four years, you must exercise your communication skills. Therefore you muster up all your courage through the campaign into class committee, the want to improve your communication skills through this position, but you into the class committee when you have what, get what, you're not so shy, so shy, class of each event, not in Mandarin is not good, what will shirk. Hey! Tell me what are your brothers and sisters? University may is your school on the road last system perfect oneself, also may be your last time free to arrange a time, is more likely to be the last time you do the things you like to do, don't put you can do today till tomorrow to do, tomorrow duplicate tomorrow tomorrow.
University Teaching mentor. Gathered here, many scholars and experts, they are proficient in the basic theory of the profession, to un
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