Gossip girl第一季到第三季chuck对blair说过的感人的话

如题·····C一直都很爱B的·····... 如题·····C一直都很爱B的····· 展开
 我来答
Chuck Bass: I'am Chuck Bass. No one cares.
我是Chuck Bass.谁会在乎。
Blair Waldorf: I do. Don't you understand? I'll always be here, I don't want you going anywhere, I couldn't bear it. So whatever you wanna do to yourself.
Please don't do that to me. Please!
Chuck Bass: I'm sorry.
Blair Waldorf: I want to believe, but I can't. You hurt me too mant times.
Chuck Bass: You can believe me this time.
Blair Waldorf:Oh. That's it?
Chuck Bass: I love you too.
我也爱你。 Blair Waldorf: Thanks for the lift home.
Chuck Bass: You were amazing up there.
**** Blair Waldorf:You sure?
Chuck Bass: The reason we can't say those three words to each other isn't
because they aren't true.
Blair Waldorf: Then why?
Chuck Bass: I think we both know, the moment we do, it won’t be the start of something, it’ll be the end. Think about it, Chuck and Blair going to the
movies? Chuck and Blair holding hands?
我们都知道,如果我们在一起,那不是意味着开始,而是结束。想想,难道Chuck and Blair 一起去看电影?Chuck and Blair 手拉着小手??
Blair Waldorf: We don’t have to do those things. We can do the things we like.
Chuck Bass: What we like is this.
Blair Waldorf: The game.
Chuck Bass: Without it, I'am not sure how long we'd last. It'd be just a matter of time before we messed it all up. Look, I'd rather wait. Maybe in the future…
Blair Waldorf: I suppose there could be some excruciating pleasure in that Blair Waldorf:Chuck! Stop! Don’t go. Or if you have to leave, let me come with you.
Chuck Bass: I appreciate the concern.
Blair Waldorf: No. You don’t. You don’t
appreciate anything today. But I don’t care.
Whatever you’re going through, I want to be there for you.
Chuck Bass: We talked about this. You are not my girlfriend.
Blair Waldorf: But I am me. Find you are you. We’re Chuck and Blair. Blair and Chuck. The worst thing you’ve ever done, the darkest thought you’ve ever had,
I will stand by you through anything.
我是我,你是你。我们是Chuck 和 Blair。Blair 和Chuck。
Chuck Bass: Find why would you do that?
Blair Waldorf: Because I love you.
Chuck Bass: Well that’s too bad.

Chuck: I’d like to propose a toast.
My father is someone who goes after what he wants. Find Lily was no exception.
In typical Bass-man fashion his pursuit was direct and at times not exactly subtle.
One thing I learned from my father’s courtship of Lily is the importance of perseverance.
在我父亲,对Lily 追求中 ,我学到一件事 , 就是不屈不挠的重要。在遇到真爱时,你不能轻易放弃 ,即便你爱慕的对象,求你放弃。
One thing I learned from Lily is the importance of forgiveness.
而我从Lily 身上所学到的,就是宽容 。
She gave my father the gift of a second chance and, in kind.
I watched him become someone actually worthy of that gift.
Find one day I hope I’ll be lucky enough to find someone who will do the same for me.
To the happy couple!
祝福这幸福的一对! Blair Waldorf:Last fall you said we couldn’t be together, and I believe you. But everytime I try to move on, you’re right there, acting like..
Chuck Bass: Fucking like what?.
Blair Waldorf: Like.. maybe you want me to be as unhappy as you are.
Chuck Bass: I would never wish that on any one. I want you to be happy.
Blair Waldorf: Then look down deep. Into the soul I know you have, and tell me if what you feel for me is real, or if it’s just a game. If it’s real, we’ll figure it out.. all of us. But if it’s not, them please Chuck, just let me go.
Chuck Bass:It’s just a game. I hate to lose. You are free to go.
Serena: Chuck, why did you just do that?
Chuck Bass: Because I love her and I can’t make her happy.
我爱她,但是我却不能让她快乐。 Chuck: This isn’t you.
Blair: How would you know?
Chuck: Because I know you better than I know myself.
Blair: Oh, right. You can see right through me, can’t you Chuck? Right to my core. Do you remember the first time you saw the real me? The Blair that danced for you that night at Victrola? The Blair with none of the hang-ups, none of the frustration….That’s the blair right here. Take me now.
Chuck: Why?
Blair: To prove nothing matters.
Chuck: No. This isn’t you. It’s not the Blair I want. Blair: Chuck, aren’t you done trying to ruin my night?
Chuck: Look, I never should have abandoned you. I knew that I had made
the wrong decision as soon as your plane took off. I distracted myself
all summer, hoping that I wouldn’t feel it. But I still do.
Blair: Find?
Chuck: I was scared. I was scared that if we spend the
whole summer together. Just as.. you would see.
Blair: See what?
Chuck: Me. Please don’t leave with hime.
Blair: Why? Give me a reason. Find I am Chuck Bass doesn’t count.
Chuck: Cause you don’t want to.
Blair: Not good enough.
Chuck: Cause I don’t want you to. What else is there?
Blair: The true reason I should stay right where I am and not get in the car.
Three words,eight letters. Say it, and I’m yours.
Chuck: I……I….
Blair: Thank you. That’s all I needed to hear. Blair: I’m not in the mood Chuck, this has been pretty much the worst birthday ever
Chuck: Well, maybe it can be salvaged.
Blair: Is that you sex tape?
Blair: It’s the Ericson-Beamonn necklace. No, I couldn’t.
Chuck: Yes, you can.. Something this beautiful, deserves to be seen on someone worth of it’s beauty. I really am sorry. Chuck: Is that so? What names does he call you when you make love?
Where does he put his hand? Does he ….Have sex with me.
Blair: What?
Chuck: Just once. That’s all I need.
Blair: You are disgusting, and I hate you.
Chuck: Then why are you still holding may hand? Chuck: Dance with me.
Blair: What’s the point, Chuck. We’re never going to be them.
You said so, remember? It’s not for us.
Chuck: Maybe. But I wouldn’t change us.
Not if it meant losing what we have.
Blair: Find what do we have, Chuck? You tell me.
Chuck: Tonight. So shut up, and dance with me.
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