Joe Chen...
In 2001, 21 year old Joe Chen funny, funny, come up with a piece of day,dress up as "seven" and "Yang mother-in-law" complex talent showing itself, in the draft, became popular in the circle of the host.
Their debut in 2001, before he debuted as plane models and assistant.
In 2002, presided over the "big" China "red well" and the high-profile Joe Chen, has presided over the video program called "BB girl" (BB BBS), rich Internet and gaming knowledge, Wu Zhongxian in 2002 was named co hosted the "flagship of the arts" in 2005, with host Ceng Guocheng co chaired the large outdoor game show "adventure rideri", in 2006 two people againpresided over the quality Food program "Chef" metrosexual man. She hasfrozen, all the more cherish the.
In 2003 due to the persistent Sun Zong acting freeze for about half a year, in the end to return.
In 2004 to become the new women's team was composed of seven flowerdeputy head, marching music.
Because in 2005 the star idol drama "Frog Prince" became the Taiwan history of the first idol drama ratings break 8 actress.
Because in 2008 the star idol drama "decreed by fate I love you" became the Taiwan history of the first idol drama ratings break 13 actress, refresh yourselfto maintain a good record in three years.
In 2008, Ethan Ruan together with the recorded inland variety trump card program "happy camp", broadcast in January 10, 2009, with ratings of 3.17,share 7.3% refresh "happy camp" within 12 years of the new high ratings.
In 2001, 21 year old Joe Chen funny, funny, come up with a piece of day,dress up as "seven" and "Yang mother-in-law" complex talent showing itself, in the draft, became popular in the circle of the host.
Their debut in 2001, before he debuted as plane models and assistant.
In 2002, presided over the "big" China "red well" and the high-profile Joe Chen, has presided over the video program called "BB girl" (BB BBS), rich Internet and gaming knowledge, Wu Zhongxian in 2002 was named co hosted the "flagship of the arts" in 2005, with host Ceng Guocheng co chaired the large outdoor game show "adventure rideri", in 2006 two people againpresided over the quality Food program "Chef" metrosexual man. She hasfrozen, all the more cherish the.
In 2003 due to the persistent Sun Zong acting freeze for about half a year, in the end to return.
In 2004 to become the new women's team was composed of seven flowerdeputy head, marching music.
Because in 2005 the star idol drama "Frog Prince" became the Taiwan history of the first idol drama ratings break 8 actress.
Because in 2008 the star idol drama "decreed by fate I love you" became the Taiwan history of the first idol drama ratings break 13 actress, refresh yourselfto maintain a good record in three years.
In 2008, Ethan Ruan together with the recorded inland variety trump card program "happy camp", broadcast in January 10, 2009, with ratings of 3.17,share 7.3% refresh "happy camp" within 12 years of the new high ratings.
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