qr code的意思是什么
qr code的意思是二维码。
1.He asked his students to hand in their homework through a QR code.他让学生们通过二维码交作业。
2.Then, each student makes his own QR code and gives it to me.然后,每个学生制作自己的二维码给我。
3.Users can scan a QR code on a machine to rent a convenient power source to provide a jump-start.用户只需扫描机器上的二维码便可租到一个便携式电源,给电子设备充电。
4.Users just need to scan the QR code or search from their WeChat accounts to open these apps, where they could book tickets or do shopping, Tencent said.腾讯表示,用户只需在微信中通过扫描二维码或搜索的方式打开这些程序,享受订票或在线购物服务。
5.Study and Implementation of QR Code Image Recognition Based on DSP基于DSP的QR码图像识别研究与实现
6.Detection and Recognition of QR Code is the key technology.QR码的检测和识别是QR码应用的关键技术。
7.Application of QR Code Technology on Air force Logistic ManagementQR条码技术在航材管理中的应用
8.Using the QR code output requires much less error checking.使用QR码输出需要较少的错误检查。

2024-09-19 广告