1、So,quite a few people have had a go at simplifying the basic CRUD operation.所以,很多人已经开始尝试使CRUD的基本操作更简洁。
2、As this point, we have extended our simple CRUD web application to a full-fledged enterprise application.至此,我们已将简单的CRUDweb应用程序扩展为成熟的企业应用程序。
3、The service layer object will be treated as a stateless interface to which the CRUD operations can be delegated.服务层对象将作为无状态的接口对待,CRUD操作可以委托给该接口。
4、Rails ships with a "scaffold" generator that will generate a basic set of CRUD pages for a given model.Rail提供了一个“scaffold”生成器,它可以为某个给定模型生成一组基本的CRUD页面。
5、InfoQ: When defining information services you seem to imply that those are the ones providing CRUD interface to the data.InfoQ:在定义信息服务时,这些服务似乎就是数据的CRUD接口。