SAP 集团(CLIENT)远程拷贝
For Export / Import:
Client Export:
1. Run SCC8
2. Select Profile for desired copy type (Usually All [SAP_ALL] or user master only [SAP_USER]. You will need direction from the requester as to the correct selection here. Use Profile -> Display Profile to display profile details.)
3. Select target System (or group)
4. De- Select "Test Run" (If selected)
5. Run Export
- Up to 3 requests are created, depending on the data selected and available:
1. "SIDKO00353" for transporting client-independent data, if you have selected this
2. "SIDKT00353" for transporting client-specific data
3. "SIDKX00353" for transporting client-specific texts, provided texts are available in this client
6.Monitor TP logs for errors and export files for growth
Client Import:
1. Create client (scc4)
2. Login to client (sap* - pass)
3. Manually add "O" transport then "X" then "T" to TMS buffer
4. Highlight #1 and use "Request -> Import" to launch import tool
5. Monitor "I" file in OS "/usr/sap/trans/tmp" dir for progress info
6. After Import is complete perform "post processing steps" from client tool (SCC7)
For Remote Copy:
Client Import:
1. Create client (scc4)
2. Login to new client (sap* - pass)
3. Run SCCL (Local copy ) or SCC9 (remote copy) and complete the form as required
- Select Profile for desired copy type (Usually All [SAP_ALL] or user master only [SAP_USER]. You will need direction from the requester as to the correct selection here. Use Profile -> Display Profile to display profile details.)
- Select RFC Destination to copy from for Remote copy, or Source client to copy from for Local copies
- Execute in background
4. Monitor SCC3 for copy status
5. After Import is complete perform "post processing steps" from menu in client tool (SCC7)
For Export / Import:
Client Export:
1. Run SCC8
2. Select Profile for desired copy type (Usually All [SAP_ALL] or user master only [SAP_USER]. You will need direction from the requester as to the correct selection here. Use Profile -> Display Profile to display profile details.)
3. Select target System (or group)
4. De- Select "Test Run" (If selected)
5. Run Export
- Up to 3 requests are created, depending on the data selected and available:
1. "SIDKO00353" for transporting client-independent data, if you have selected this
2. "SIDKT00353" for transporting client-specific data
3. "SIDKX00353" for transporting client-specific texts, provided texts are available in this client
6.Monitor TP logs for errors and export files for growth
Client Import:
1. Create client (scc4)
2. Login to client (sap* - pass)
3. Manually add "O" transport then "X" then "T" to TMS buffer
4. Highlight #1 and use "Request -> Import" to launch import tool
5. Monitor "I" file in OS "/usr/sap/trans/tmp" dir for progress info
6. After Import is complete perform "post processing steps" from client tool (SCC7)
For Remote Copy:
Client Import:
1. Create client (scc4)
2. Login to new client (sap* - pass)
3. Run SCCL (Local copy ) or SCC9 (remote copy) and complete the form as required
- Select Profile for desired copy type (Usually All [SAP_ALL] or user master only [SAP_USER]. You will need direction from the requester as to the correct selection here. Use Profile -> Display Profile to display profile details.)
- Select RFC Destination to copy from for Remote copy, or Source client to copy from for Local copies
- Execute in background
4. Monitor SCC3 for copy status
5. After Import is complete perform "post processing steps" from menu in client tool (SCC7)
必须先传:Q**KO00297。建议不要用导出导入,那个没经验不好操作的,而且还很容易出错。更何况你是从生产弄到非生产环境,强烈不建议(从SAP help上面的文档里面,也能看出SAP推荐,优先使用客户端拷贝,只有拷贝无法完成时候,才考虑导出导入。当然,可能我理解不太对,原文如下:You no longer have to transport clients before you can copy them between systems. You can make a remote copy instead. SAP will continue to support the transport function.)。
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