How to protect Tigers 英语作文六十词左右,急要,!!!!!!!!!!
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Animals ARE rather important.Here are some actions we can do to protect animals.
1.Don't litter.This is the single most easy way to help the environment.Littering increases damage of habitats,and is a possible choking hazard,especially to animals foraging for food.
2 If you see other people mindlessly trample animal homes,nicely remind them of the damage they're causing.Do the same if you see people chasing birds,throwing rocks at animals,nests,anything that is harmful,or could be harmful in the future.Old bird nests can be homes for birds that return year after year to the same place.Try not to get too frustrated if they just don't "get" it.
Animals ARE rather important.Here are some actions we can do to protect animals.
1.Don't litter.This is the single most easy way to help the environment.Littering increases damage of habitats,and is a possible choking hazard,especially to animals foraging for food.
2 If you see other people mindlessly trample animal homes,nicely remind them of the damage they're causing.Do the same if you see people chasing birds,throwing rocks at animals,nests,anything that is harmful,or could be harmful in the future.Old bird nests can be homes for birds that return year after year to the same place.Try not to get too frustrated if they just don't "get" it.