鞠躬礼鞠躬礼系下级对上级或同级之间的礼节。行礼时须脱帽,右手(如右手持物可用左手)握住帽前檐中央将帽取下。右手垂下后身体对正,用立正姿势,双目 注视受礼者,身体上部向前倾斜约十五度,尔后恢复原状。脱帽时所用之手和敬礼方向相反,即向左边的人敬礼,以右手脱帽;向右边的人敬礼,以左手脱帽。点头礼点头礼系同级或平辈间的礼节,也须脱帽。如在路上行走间相遇,可在行进中施礼;如在路上遇见长官或长者,则须立正行鞠躬礼,但长官对部下或长者对幼者的答礼,可在行走中点头答之或伸右手或手触帽檐答之。举手注目礼举手注目礼系军人礼节。敬礼时举右手,手指伸直并齐,指尖接触帽檐右侧,手掌微向外,上臂与肩齐高,两眼注视对方,待对方答礼后方可将手放下,对长官或长者每次见面都应照常行礼。握手礼握手礼是欧美最常见的礼节,在世界许多国家都通行。行礼时距对方约一步,上身稍前倾,伸右手,四指并齐,拇指与之分开伸向受礼者。饭店客房服务中 须注意,客人先伸手时,方能握之,切忌一脚门里一脚门外与人握手,尤忌四人交叉握手。和初次见面的女人通常不握手,只行鞠躬礼。同男人握手越紧,表示友情 越深,和女人握手则须轻些。吻手礼吻手礼是流行于欧美上层社会的一种礼节。和上流社会贵族妇女或夫人见面,若女方先伸出手做下垂式,则将指尖轻轻提起吻之。但女方如不伸手,则不吻。行吻手礼时,若女方身份地位较高,要支屈一膝作半跪式后,再握手吻之。此项礼节英法社会最重视。亲吻礼接吻礼是上级对下级、长辈对晚辈、朋友、夫妻之间表示亲昵、爱抚的礼节。通常是在受礼者脸上或额上轻吻一下。遇到高兴的时候,或有喜事或悲伤的时候,一般也行接吻礼,表示亲热和慰问。拥抱礼拥抱礼是欧美各国熟人、朋友之间表示亲密感情的一种礼节。他们见面或告别时互相拥抱,表示亲密无间。拥抱礼通常和接吻礼同时进行。
Bow bow lines between the inferior to the superior or similar manners. Must take off their hats, the right hand(right hand holding his left hand if available) hold the capvisor will cap off the central. Right after the body was lowered, with the position at attention, eyes on the recipients, upper body tilted forward about fifteen degrees, and restitution. Hat when the hand oppositedirection and salute, salute to the people on the left, to the right hat; salute to the right person, with his hat. Nod nod Li Li line between the same or the same generationetiquette, also be the hat. As he walked along the road met, in the marching salute; such as meeting the executive or the elderly on the road, the bow shall stand at attention, but the executive or the elderly on young men's return, can walk in a point head or extend the right hand or hands touch the brim of A. Raise your handsalute salute by military etiquette. Salute raise right hand,fingers straight and together, fingertip contact with the right hat, palm slightly outward, the upper arm and shoulder height, looking at each other, each other to bowbefore the hand down on the executive or the elderly,each should meet the usual salute. Handshake handshake is common courtesy, many countries in the world pass. Salute when about a step away from each other, the upper body slightly forward, extend the right hand, four fingers and Qi, with the thumb separated intothe recipient. Hotel room service should be noted, the first guests on hand, we can grasp it, should not have kicked the door and kick the door to shake hands, especially cross-bogey handshake. And the first time meetingwomen generally do not shake hands, bow only. Shake hands with men more tightly, that the deeper friendship,shake hands with a woman be more light. Kiss the hand to kiss the hand is a popular European and American upper class etiquette. Meet and upper-class aristocratic women or lady, if her hand first do prolapse, then kiss the fingers gently lift. But if the woman does not reach, then don't kiss. Kiss the hand, if the woman's high status, to bend a knee support for kneeling, after the handshake kiss. The most seriously the social etiquette. Kiss kiss issuperior to subordinate, the elders to the younger generation, friends, intimacy between husband and wife said, caressing manners. Usually in the face or forehead recipients kiss. Experience pleasure when happy or sad,or when the, line generally kissing ceremony, show affection and sympathy. Hug hug ritual ceremony is the European and American countries betweenacquaintances, friends said a courtesy of emotional intimacy. They meet or farewell hug each other, said that close. A hug and kiss and usually.
Bow bowing ritual between a subordinate to a superior or peer. Salute to be take, the right hand (right hand and left hand available) prior to holding the CAP remove Central Cap. Lowered his body after being in his right hand, with the attention position, binocular eye economy prospers, upper body leaning about 15 degrees forward, then back. Salute salute used by hand and in opposite directions, that salute the one on the left, with hat in his right hand; salute to the man on the right, left-hand salute. Nod-nod are similar or of the same generation of etiquette, should take. Walking between meet, marching in the salute if met Chief Executive or senior citizens, shall stand and bow, but Chief Executive to men or elderly people lined up for the young, can nod in a walk or touch their hats for security answer or extension of the right hand. Department of hands hands salute salute military etiquette. When saluting lifted his right hand, fingers straightened and aligned right side fingers touch their hats, palms outward slightly, upper arms and shoulders aligned high, his eyes look at each other, each other hands down can be lined up in the rear, on the Executive or the elderly meet each salute, as usual. The ritual handshake handshake ceremony is the most common in Europe and America, in many countries of the world to pass. About one step away from each other when the bow, upper body leaning forward slightly, stretch your right hand, four fingers and snap, thumb and stretch apart economy prospers. Hotel room service should note that when you first reach in order to hold and avoid a foot outside a foot in the door and shake hands, especially a bogey four crossover to shake hands. And met women usually do not shake hands, bow only. Shake hands with a man more, said the friendship deeper, and women shake hands gently. Hand-kissing Hand-kissing is popular in European and American high society etiquette. Meet with upper class aristocratic women or Lady, the woman reached out to sag, the fingertips gently lift the kiss. But the woman does not reach out, you do not kiss. When the Hand-kissing, higher if the woman's status, to bent after a lap and a half-kneeling, and then shake hands kiss. This courtesy Britain and France the most attention. Kiss Kiss of peace is superior to subordinate, elder to younger, friends, between husband and wife that intimate, caressing manners. Usually kisses on economy prospers in the face or forehead. Happy when encountered, or when there's a happy or sad, or Pax, hug and condolences. Hug hug an acquaintance is Europe and the United States, a ritual to express intimate feelings between friends. When they meet or farewell, hugging each other, as close as that. Hugging often and kissing at the same time.
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