
速度关于互相帮助的英语文章50个单词左右... 速度 关于互相帮助的英语文章 50个单词左右 展开
help each other(互相帮助)
When we help others, others will be in the hearts of warmth, and others to help us, our hearts will also comfort.

I once encountered by others who had helped matters.

It was a Wednesday morning, went to school, I open the bags, suddenly discovered that I did not bring Wenjuan, and my heart suddenly thrown into a panic by up: no pens, stationery did not learn, let me learn how, and how writing ah!

At this time, first courses the school rang, and language teachers into classrooms, let us write this review, all of the students in his class bow to write this review, and only I, where the Shasha watching this review, a no word has been written. I was worrying about, next to the Wang Xinhua, asked me: "Why do not you write ah?" I told her that I did not take Wenjuan. Wang Xinhua warm said to me: "I used to!" Then, from out of the Wenjuan, a blue Shuibi: "you write fast!" I thank the path to hurry up and write up. However, this section of the course, there are lessons in English and mathematics class how to do? I was worrying about.

When the students around me I did not know the band Wenjuan, everyone extend a hand of fraternity, opened their Wenjuan, I take a pencil, and by that I am a rubber. Seeing their enthusiasm that one of the smiling faces that are both a helping hand,rippled warming my soul, like a bouquet of sunshine as into my heart.
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