一次有意义的学校活动作文 用英语写
去年年末,中国南方遭遇50年不遇的雪灾,很多地方断水、断电,普通居民甚至连生活都发生了很大的困难。这场雪灾,牵动了全国人民的心,面对雪灾,全国人民都在尽自己最大的努力,帮助灾区人民渡过难关,我们莲花小学全体师生,也积极响应学校号召,为灾区人民灾后重建举行了一次有意义的义卖活动。 三月十三日下午,我们一直期待的义卖活动开始了。我们精心准备了很多东西:有书、有光碟、有玩具、有食品、有学具文具等物品,全校除24个班级的义卖场外,还有老师的义卖场、家庭义卖场。在义卖场上,无论老师还是学生,都齐心协力地叫卖。 看!我们班同学贺雨桐正在大声喊:“同学们,4(4)班准备了很多好玩的好吃的,快来看快来买,先到先得,机会难得,不要错过。”听他这么一喊,一下子吸引了众多同学的目光,把我们的准备的东西一抢而空,以最快的速度、高质量地完成了老师交给我们的光荣任务。 通过义卖,我们学会了精心地组织,精心准备,更重要的是我们学会了奉献爱心,学会了感恩。At the end of last year, China southern encounter auspicious snow storms in 50 years, many places without water, without electricity, and, in the ordinary citizen even life have undergone significant difficulties. The storms, influenced the national people's heart, facing the snowstorm, the whole nation is doing their best, and help the people of disaster areas survive, we all students, also lotus elementary school, responded positively to the school for the people in the area called post-disaster reconstruction held a meaningful charity activities. On the 13th of march afternoon, we have been looking for sale of work began. We carefully prepared many things: a book, have CDS, toys, have food, have such items, the school study stationery except 24 classes of sale, and the teacher's sale outside the sale of field and family game. In court, no matter the teacher or charity students peddle shoulder to shoulder. Look! Our classmates HeYuTong are loudly shout: "the classmates, four (4) class prepared a lot of fun delicious, come here quick quick to buy, first come first served, opportunity is rare, don't miss it." Listen to him so a shout, suddenly attracted many students eye, put our preparations things already, with the fastest speed, high quality to finish the teacher to our glorious mission. Through the bazaar, we learned meticulously organization, preparation, the more important thing is that we learned to love, institute of Thanksgiving. </p>