1.To cry is the most general word for producing tears when you are unhappy or hurt, or when you are extremely happy. cry是指因悲伤痛苦或喜悦而流泪的最普通用词。
2.To sob means to cry noisily, taking sudden, sharp breaths. sob意为啜泣、抽噎。
3.To wail means to cry in a loud high voice. wail意为号啕大哭。
4.To whimper means to cry making low, weak noises. whimper意为小声啜泣、呜咽。
5.To weep ( literary or formal ) means to cry quietly for a long time. weep(文学或正式用语)意为饮泣。
6.All these verbs can be used like ‘say’. 以上动词均与say用法相同:
7.‘I don’t want you to go,’ she cried/wailed/sobbed.“我不想你走。”她哭 / 号哭 / 抽噎着说。
8.To be in tears means to be crying. be in tears意为流泪。