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维特并没有超出一种悲歌式的绝望的反抗和斥责,他不可能提出一个积极的生活目标。这一方面说明所谓值得深思的东西就是德国知识分子的弱点和缺陷,另一方面说明维特的软弱和妥协绝非一... 维特并没有超出一种悲歌式的绝望的反抗和斥责,他不可能提出一个积极的生活目标。这一方面说明所谓值得深思的东西就是德国知识分子的弱点和缺陷,另一方面说明维特的软弱和妥协绝非一个人的特性,而是体现了一代人的共性。歌德实际上以维特的自杀来警示德国的知识分子,对于这一点歌德借收信人威廉之口批评了维特身上致命的弱点:“他在实际声中遭遇的种种不快,在公使馆的难堪以及一切失败一切屈辱,这一切在他心里上上下下翻腾看来,这一切的一切,都使他觉得无所作为是应该的。他发现自己毫无出路连赖以生存的平平庸庸的生活下去的本领都没有。结果,他便一任自己古怪的感情,思想以及无休止的渴慕的驱使,一个劲的和那位温柔可爱的女子周旋,毫无目的毫无希望的耗费着自己的精力,既破环了人家的安宁又苦了自己,一天一天向着可悲的结局靠近。”这一方面说明维特自杀是社会的悲剧,另一方面也说明维特自身的弱点也是导致悲剧产生的重要原因。 展开
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2008-06-15 · TA获得超过1191个赞
Witt does not exceed a sad melody of the desperate resistance and reprimanded, he can not put a positive life goals. This shows the so-called East and West that is worth pondering the German intellectuals of the weaknesses and shortcomings, on the other hand Ming Weite said the weakness and compromise is not a person's identity, but rather reflects a generation of people in common.Goethe to Witt in fact the suicide warning to the German intellectuals, for the VOD Germany by the mouth of the addressee William Witt who criticized the fatal weaknesses: "He encountered in the actual sound of the many unpleasant, in the Embassy As well as all the embarrassing failure of all the humiliation, all in his mind上上下下Fanteng view, all this, he should think of doing nothing. He found himself no way out for the survival of even mediocre Yong-ping of life It did not have the ability.The results, he will have his term of strange feelings, ideas and driven by endless Kemu, Yi Gejin the gentle and lovely woman who deal, there is no purpose There is no hope that the cost of their energy, the people of Central Jipo And the expense of the peace themselves, day after day in a tragic outcome around. "Said the Ming Weite suicide is a social tragedy, on the other hand said Mingwei Te own weaknesses also contributed to the tragedy of the major reasons.

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2008-06-15 · TA获得超过530个赞
The content has not surpassed the revolt which and reprimanding one kind of elegy-like despairs, he is impossible to set a positive life goal. On the one hand this explained that so-called is worth the thing which thinks deeply is Germany intellectual's weakness and the flaw, on the other hand explanation content weak and a compromise certainly not person's characteristic, but has manifested generation of person's general character. Praises in fact by the content suicide caution Germany's intellectual, praised regarding this point mouth of taking advantage of the addressee William has criticized on the content body the fatal weakness: “he bitter experience all sorts is not quick in the actual sound, embarrassed as well as is defeated all humiliations in the male embassy, all these look like at heart in his tuck dive, this all, cause him to think that accomplishes nothing is should. He discovered the outlet livelihood mediocre life does not get down continually the ability does not have. Finally, a he then strange sentiment, the thought as well as endless admires greatly the obligation, and that gentle lovable female socializes, not in the least goal utterly hopeless consumption own energy, both has broken surrounded others peacefully and painstakingly oneself, turns toward the pitiful result to approach day-by-day.”On the one hand the showing content suicide is society's tragedy, on the other hand also explained that content own weakness also causes the substantial clause which the tragedy produces.

hoho!~ 我的仅供参考 分给楼上吧
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2008-06-15 · TA获得超过313个赞
The content has not surpassed the revolt which and reprimanding one kind of elegy-like despairs, he is impossible to set a positive life goal. On the one hand this explained that so-called is worth the thing which thinks deeply is Germany intellectual's weakness and the flaw, on the other hand explanation content weak and a compromise certainly not person's characteristic, but has manifested generation of person's general character. Praises in fact by the content suicide caution Germany's intellectual, praised regarding this point mouth of taking advantage of the addressee William has criticized on the content body the fatal weakness: “he bitter experience all sorts is not quick in the actual sound, embarrassed as well as is defeated all humiliations in the male embassy, all these look like at heart in his tuck dive, this all, cause him to think that accomplishes nothing is should. He discovered the outlet livelihood mediocre life does not get down continually the ability does not have. Finally, a he then strange sentiment, the thought as well as endless admires greatly the obligation, and that gentle lovable female socializes, not in the least goal utterly hopeless consumption own energy, both has broken surrounded others peacefully and painstakingly oneself, turns toward the pitiful result to approach day-by-day.”On the one hand the showing content suicide is society's tragedy, on the other hand also explained that content own weakness also causes the substantial clause which the tragedy produces.
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