
Godonlyknows-SecretsoftheGoddess-(Extract)英文名。跪求,... God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess-(Extract)英文名。跪求, 展开
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2013-07-15 · TA获得超过177个赞

God only knows第三幕

Love is such a sweet illusion(Let's come together)
Can't seem to stop my imagination(Goes on forever)
What a ridiculious situation(Another matter)
But I can't deny,I'm faced with a tricky temptation

In the world that keeps on changing
Don't know why my heart is aching
Gotta handle it,no more hesitation
There can be no turning back

God only knows
My mind is as free as the wind
But now what I should do is to fall in love

God only knows
I don't need that kind of real things
Feels like I'm lost in the labyrinth

God only knows
There must be the meaning of life
Somehow unexpected happenings thrill me

God only knows
Just believe in myself and my dream
Anyone could be a hero and heroine

God only knows
Though it's not so easy to get through
Here I am,I'm sure that things will go my way

God only knows
"My mind is as free as the wind
But now what I should do is to fall in love"

God only knows<Your own happiness,you can find it>
"I don't need that kind of real things
Feels like I'm lost in the labyrinth"

God only knows<Your infinity,you can feel it>
"There must be the meaning of life
Somehow unexpected happenings thrill me"

God only knows<Opportunity,you can take it>
"Just believe in muself and my dream
Anyone could be a hero and heroine"

God only knows<Toward the future,you can make it>
"Though it's not so easy to get through
Here I am,I'm sure that things will go my way"

Look up at the sky,like a bird without wings.

If you want to fly,feeling your breath,release yourself

Why do you sigh?just count your blesings.

Every time you try,find something relieve yourself.

My mission is gonna be a tough one I kown it's not a game any more

I swear that I'll never fall again,girls don't wanna regret any more

Can you hear I'm calling you,I just wanna fell you

Don't forget to remember ,so please remmember

I hear you are calling me,I want you to fell me

You know I won't surrender,never surrenden

My mission ,I have got to execute ,I know it is not a game any more

I swear that I'll never fall again,girls don't wanna regret any more

Secrets Of The Goddess----God Only Knows

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