1、The address must be clearly visible through the window of the envelope.从信封的透明窗必须能够看清楚地址。
2、Please enclose a stamped addressed envelope to get your test results.请附姓名地址邮资俱全的信封,以便把化验结果寄给你。
3、Use the enclosed envelope to return your completed survey.请用随信附上的信封将填好的调查表寄回。
4、Return the enclosed Donation Form today in the prepaid envelope provided.请于今日将随函附上的捐款表格用所提供的邮资预付的信封寄回。
5、There's a valuable place for fashion and design that pushes the envelope a bit.在原有尺度上有所突破的时尚和设计受到人们的重视。
6、Make sure you've signed the cheque before sealing the envelope.一定要在支票上签了名再封信封。
7、He is a performer who consistently pushes the envelope of TV comedy.他是一个在电视喜剧表演中不断寻求突破的演员。
2024-06-06 广告