c:\windows\system32\lsass.exe意外终止,状态码为:-1073741819. 求解决方法
安装的是2003sp2系统,系统更新到最新,但系统会出现以上提示 1.CPU温度正常2.硬盘是新的 不会存在病毒(杀软查杀过也未发现病毒)3.系统重新安装过 但还是出现这样的问题请问有谁知道这个是什么问题导致的吗?怎么解决 系统日志里的截图:在百度上复制的回复就别发了,那是浪费时间和空间的。
2.硬盘是新的 不会存在病毒(杀软查杀过也未发现病毒)msconfig 能不能看到 lsass.exe 的启动项早缺?没碰睁搜遇到过,如果可以看到就是中笑历毒!3.系统重新安装过 但还是出现这样的问题 重新安装?是Ghost的,还是用光盘安装的? 如果是Ghost的话,是不是Ghost里存在病毒?光盘安装的话 就没有第二种可能了!什么时候出现的? 是不是所有机器都这样?以前有没有过,用以前的Ghost 会不会出现?如果用以前GHOST不会出现,是不是升级补丁导致的?要是所有机器都这样,基本可以把硬件问题排除。
This problem may occur if the following conditions are true:Some Internet Protocol Security (Ipsec) policies are configured to help secure network
Security settings are customized for all Group Policy objects (GPOs) that are applied to
domain computers. Specifically, the Everyone group and the Authenticated Users group do not
have permission to access any GPO. All other groups, such as the Domain Users group and the
Domain Computers group, have permission to access the GPOs.
On Windows Server 2003-based computers, Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 is installed.
微软官方 不是域环境,GHO导致的可以忽略,上面说IPsec 也可能会导致这个问题,可以把IPSec停用
This problem may occur if the following conditions are true:Some Internet Protocol Security (Ipsec) policies are configured to help secure network
Security settings are customized for all Group Policy objects (GPOs) that are applied to
domain computers. Specifically, the Everyone group and the Authenticated Users group do not
have permission to access any GPO. All other groups, such as the Domain Users group and the
Domain Computers group, have permission to access the GPOs.
On Windows Server 2003-based computers, Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 is installed.
微软官方 不是域环境,GHO导致的可以忽略,上面说IPsec 也可能会导致这个问题,可以把IPSec停用