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家庭旅馆也叫家庭公寓、家庭酒店、公寓酒店、家庭旅社、家庭旅店,主称家庭旅馆。 早年流行于欧洲、盛行于美国的“B&B”家庭旅馆,所谓B&B,即“Bed and Breakfast”的英文缩写,从字义上直译是“住宿和早餐”的意思,实际上是一种“自己管理自己”的小型家庭旅馆,有农舍旅馆、青年旅舍、汽车旅馆、公寓式旅馆等等。Family hotel also called family apartment, family hotel, apartment hotel, inn, hostel, family family, Lord say family hotel. Early popular in Europe, prevailed in the U.S. "B&B" family hotel, the so-called B&B, namely "Breakfast" sleep and the abbreviation of honeycombed, from the meaning of "housing and Breakfast" mean, in fact, is a kind of "govern themselves" small family hotel, a farmhouse hotels, youth hostels, motels, apartment-style hotel, etc. 基本介绍:这两年为适应假日旅游的需要而涌现了大量的家庭旅馆,市民将有闲置的商品房进行装潢,配备了全面的住宿设备,并向公安部门、工商和卫生部门申报,经核查符合条件的核发治安证、卫生许可证、经营许可证等。这种“家庭旅馆”在一露面,立即以它的独有的温馨魅力、经济实惠、简洁方便而受到老百姓的青睐,有些家庭出外旅游,已经不再选择那种传统的商住旅馆,而是选择家庭气氛比较浓的家庭旅馆,让自己身处异乡也有一种在家的感觉。Basic introduction: the years to adapt to the need of holiday tourism and surge of family hotel, citizens will have idle undertake decorate the commodity house, equipped with a comprehensive accommodation equipment, and to the public security bureau, industry and commerce, and department of health declaration, checking meet the conditions of the public security certificate, sanitation permit issued and business permit etc. This "family hotel" in a show up, immediately to its unique sweet charm, affordable and concisely conveniently and the favour of by common people, some families outdoor travel, already no longer choose the sort of traditional commercial hotel, but choose family atmosphere is strong family hotel, let yourself at home, there is also a strange feeling. 传统上的家庭旅馆主要有下面优点:   1、省钱——在同档品质下,家庭旅馆的费用将比宾馆便宜30%~70% 家庭旅馆,活动空间却更大。是节约差旅费用的好办法。   2、舒适——均备齐包括床铺被褥在内的居家必须用品。您放下行李即可入住,就像回到自己的家,尽享家的温馨与方便。   3、自助——您可以按自己的习惯和喜好洗衣做饭打扫卫生,完全私密的独立空间,不受外界干扰。   4、灵活——因为租期完全灵活,客人可随意安排自己的行程,而不必担心诸如“房租没到期”“自己添置的家具”等棘手 的问题。 家庭旅馆与酒店、一般旅馆旅馆的区别:费用低于酒店,可以提供居家的服务,租期一般比酒店长些,计价、租期更灵活 .酒店式公寓在提供住宿的同时,还提供类似酒店式的服务,比如:定期打扫房间、送餐等;而家庭旅馆提倡自助服务,住在这里更像一个自己的“家” 家庭旅馆与青年旅馆和小旅馆的区别青年旅馆虽然也提倡自助服务,但是他们同样也是旅店,以1天-7天的住宿为主;众多游客拥挤在有限的空间内,缺少个人的独立空间;家庭旅馆却弥补了以上缺点,同时又不失青年旅馆的实惠. 家庭旅馆更有居家的感觉。   5、闹中取静——一般家庭旅馆都处在市区的繁华位置,交通便利,而且独享私密房间,免受打扰,让您远离都市的喧嚣,尽情享受安静的个人空间。装修考究,风格独特,给租住者以家的感觉。   6、家居享受。房间的床单被套抛弃酒店那种纯白的单调,改用高档的居家温馨。并且您可以按自己的习惯和喜好生活,可以像在家一样洗衣做饭,不用担心饮食的差异,享用自己亲手做的饭菜。有了我们的服务,您更有一种在家的清闲享受。Traditional family hotel mainly has advantages: 1, save money below -- in grade quality, family hotel costs will be cheaper than hotel 30% to 70% family hotel
But the more big, activity space. Is saving travel expense tweak. 2, comfortable bed sheets -- both documented, including the home to the thing. You can put your luggage check in, like back to his own family, enjoy the warmth of home and convenient. 3, self-help - you can push their own habits and preferences laundry cooking cleaning, completely private independent space, undisturbed. 4, flexible for lease completely flexible, guests will be able to arrange their own travel without having to worry about such as "rent" own "didn't expire acquire furniture" tough questions. Family hotel with the hotel, general hotel hotel distinction: costs less than hotel, can provide in-home service, a term generally longer than hotel, valuation, lease more flexible hotel-styled apartments in j provide accommodation at the same time, also offer similar hotel services, such as: regular cleaning the room, room, etc.; And family hotel advocate self-service, live here is more like a "home" family hotel and youth hotel and small hotel difference youth hotel although also advocate the self-service, but they also hotel, with 1 days - 7 days of accommodation for the Lord; Many tourists crowded in a limited space, lack of personal independent space; Family hotel made up for the above disadvantages, but also do not break youth hotel benefits. Family hotel more home feeling. 5, make the average family taken static -- are in the bustling downtown hotel location, convenient transportation, and exclusive private room, without being interrupted, let you away from city is blatant, enjoy quiet personal space. Elegant decoration, unique style, give the feeling of home of the lease on. 6, home to enjoy. The sheets, quilts abandoned hotel room that lily-white drab, switch to high-end home sweet. And you can push their own habits and preferences life, can be like at home do laundry to cook, don't worry diet differences, enjoy home-cooked meal. With our service, you are more a home at leisure to enjoy.
社会效益:1、各级工会组织围绕深入推进新一轮创建全国文明城市工作,通过丰富多彩、形式多样的活动形式,加强诚信教育和诚信实践,特别是庭旅馆为契机,制定文明诚信家庭旅馆建设标准,开展文明礼仪诚信教育。   2、增强从业者的诚信意识,通过诚信文明经营,为职工增收,为社区发展发挥了积极作用。   3、通过家庭旅馆示范街年接待游客,增加职工群众人均收入,解决安置职工就业。Social benefits: 1, trade unions at all levels have organized around advancing the new establishing national civilized city, through the rich and colorful and diversified activities, strengthening credit education form of integrity and practice, especially the atrium hotel as a turning point, formulate civilization integrity, carry out family hotel construction standard civilization etiquette integrity education.2, strengthen the integrity awareness, and through practitioner, civilized business integrity for worker income for community development, plays a positive role.3, ShiFanJie years through family hotel visitors increase worker masses per capita, solve resettlement worker employment.
</SPAN></p> 每一段英文是该段中文的翻译,可以不?
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