the new comers/the junior/the rookies in the position
或者:Workplace newcomer
英 [ˈnu:ˌkʌmə, ˈnju:-] 美 [ˈnuˌkʌmɚ, ˈnju-]
n. 新来的人; 新手; 新生事物;
1、On the new workplace, expensive occupation suit nor shelter speech anddeportment in green.
2、The workplace newbie is already under pressure learning engineering, contractlaw and business.
3、A new employee needs to be willing to accept challenges and extraresponsibilities.
4、According to Cao, the first lesson for workplace freshmen should involve roleplaying.
职场新人/菜鸟(资历较浅的):the new comers/the junior/the rookies in the position
职场高手(资格较老的):the senior in the position
1、对职场新人来说,再昂贵的职业套装也遮不住言谈举止中的青涩。On the new workplace, expensive occupation suit nor shelter speech anddeportment in green.
2、这位职场新人在压力之下,已经开始学习工程学,合同法和贸易业务。The workplace newbie is already under pressure learning engineering, contractlaw and business.
3、职场新人需要乐于迎接挑战并承担起额外的职责。A new employee needs to be willing to accept challenges and extraresponsibilities.
4、曹勇表示,职场新人第一课的内容之一便是角色扮演。According to Cao, the first lesson for workplace freshmen should involve roleplaying.
5、赋桥招收的大多是二十岁左右的学生和职场新人。Fullbridge recruits students and earlycareer professionals in their late teens tolate twenties.
6、对于整个职业生涯而言只是一个预备阶段,职场新人想要成功,就必须了解这一点。Preliminary to the career path? And must be approached accordingly if a newrecruit is to be successful.
7、职场新人可能更看重足够的休假保障及工作与生活间的合理平衡。A guarantee of time off and a reasonable worklife balance might be moreimportant for the newbies.
8、那时的吴婷还是个职场新人,她站在那儿说不出话来,也想不起会议上的任何事情。The then green hand was left speechless, unable to recollect anything from themeeting.
9、作为一个职场新人我努力工作,时刻忙碌着,但我享受每一秒。As a young professional I work very hard and I'm very busy, but I enjoy everyminute of it.
10、他们会在事业生涯各个阶段,寻找把知识化为行动力的具体方法,为组织增添更多价值。对于整个职业生涯而言只是一个预备阶段,职场新人想要成功,就必须了解这一点。They will translate this knowledge into action by finding concrete ways to addmore value to their organization in each phase of their careers. preliminary tothe career path? and must be approached accordingly if a new recruit is to besuccessful.