Several years ago a young priest moved to London.He often took the bus from his home to the downto

SeveralyearsagoayoungpriestmovedtoLondon.Heoftentookthebusfromhishometothedowntownare... Several years ago a young priest moved to London. He often took the bus from his home to the downtown area. One day, he went home by bus as usual. When he sat down, he discovered that the driver had given him twenty pence too much change.As he considered what to do, he thought to himself, "You'd better give the twenty pence back. It would be wrong to keep it." Then he thought, "Oh forget it, it's only twenty pence. Who would worry about this little amout ? Anyway, the bus company already gets too much money; they will never miss it. Accrpt it as a gift from God, and keep quiet."
When his stop came, the priest stopped at the door for a moment, then he handed the twenty
pence back to the driver and said, "Here, you gave me too much change."
The driver with a smile replied, "Aren't you the new priest in this area? I'm thinking about going to your church . I just wanted to see what you would do if I gave you too much change."
When the young priest got off the bus. his knees became weak and soft. He had to hold the nearest tree for support , and looked up to the sky and said loudly, "Oh, God. I almost sold myself for twenty pence!"
We may never see what influence our actions have on people... What we need to provide is an example for others to see. Be careful of how you behave, and be honest always: you never know who is watching your actions.
几年前一个年轻的牧师来到了伦敦, 他平时常坐公车从家至城区来回.有一天,他像往常一样坐车回家, 当他在车上坐下时,发现司机多给他找了20便士(美分). 在他考虑应该怎么做时,他先想:"你最好将这20便士还回去,不应该这样持有它们".接着却又想到:"忘了它吧,仅仅20便士而已,谁会在意这点小钱呢, 毕竟,公交公司已经获利很多了,他们绝不会在意这点的.就当着是上帝赐予的礼物吧,平静的接受就好了." 当公车要到他的站点时,这个牧师在车门口停了停,然后他将这20便士拿回给司机,说:"这是你给我多找的零钱". 司机笑着回答道:" 你是这个区新来的牧师吧?我在考虑要去你们的教堂,(在此之前),我就想知道如果我给你多找零了你会怎么做?" 当这位年轻牧师下了公车后,他的双腿发软,以至于必须扶住跟前的树来保持站立, 他抬头看向天空大声叫道:"上帝啊,我差点将自己以20便士就卖了."
我们可能从不想是什么影响了人们的行为....那么这些正是我们需要提供一些案例来让其他的人去看的. 请注意自己的行为举动,并且保持诚实,因为你从不知道谁在看着你的行为.
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