精彩对白 Evey Hammond: You're getting back at them for what they did to you. 伊芙·哈蒙:(他们怎么对你的,你就加倍还给他们。) V: What was done to me was monstrous. V:(他们对我做的都是禽兽不如的行为。) Evey Hammond: Then they created a monster. 伊芙·哈蒙:(然后他们就创造了一个禽兽。) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V: Remember, remember, the fifth of November, The gunpowder treason and plot. I know of no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot. V:记住,记住,十一月五号,火药叛乱和阴谋。我不知道火药叛乱为什么曾经被忘记。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Evey Hammond: Who--who are you? 伊芙·哈蒙:谁——你是谁? V: Who? Who is but the form following the function of what... and what I am is a man in a mask. V:谁?身份仅仅只是伴随着本质的形式……我的本质是一个带着面具的人。 Evey Hammond: I can see that. 伊芙·哈蒙:我能够看到。 V: Of course you can. I'm not questioning your powers of observation, I'm merely remarking on the paradox of asking a masked man who he is. V:你当然能。我不会怀疑你的观察能力,(我仅仅是评论你问一个代面具的人他是谁的悖论) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lewis Prothero: Oh my god... it is you! 路易斯·普若瑟罗:哦天哪……是你! V: The ghost of Christmas past. V:昔日圣诞节幽灵。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lewis Prothero: England Prevails! 路易斯·普若瑟罗:英格兰必胜! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Evey Hammond: V, I can't stay here. 伊芙·哈蒙:V,我不能呆在这儿。 V: I know. You won't find anymore locked doors here. V:我知道。在这儿,你找不到任何上锁的门了。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V: There is no such thing as coincidence, just the illusion of coincidence itself. V:根本没有巧合,巧合只是一种幻觉。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V: Behind this mask is a man, and behind this man is an idea. And ideas are bulletproof. V:面具之后是一个人,人之后是一个思想,而思想是防弹的。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V: When all your bullets are gone, I better not be standing, because you'll all be dead before you reload. V:在你们的子弹都用光之后,最好已经把我打死了,否则在重新装弹之前,你们必死无疑。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bishop: Please! Mercy! 主教:求求你!宽恕我吧! V: No mercy for you today, bishop. V:今天没有宽恕,主教 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V: The only verdict is vengeance, a vendetta, held as a votive not in vain. V:唯一的结论就是复仇,一种仇恨,作为一种虚无的奉献。(唯一的裁决是复仇,血海深仇,应为一种责任而不是一句空话。) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V: After a VERY long, very alliterative introduction, it is my very great pleasure to meet you, and you may call me V. V:在经过无比漫长的头韵的引介之后,我非常高兴遇到你,你可以称我为V。 Evey Hammond: Are you like a crazy person? 伊芙·哈蒙:你是个什么疯子吗? (头韵:每句话均以相同字母开头。此处V登场时说了一连串以V开头的词语) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Standing in the Rain After Coming Out of the Simulated Detention Camp] [在即将出现的模拟拘留营之前,站在雨中] Evey Hammond: The God is in the rain. 伊芙·哈蒙:上帝就在雨中。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Delia Surridge: Are you going to kill me now? 迪利亚·萨瑞吉:你现在要杀死我吗? V: No. I killed you ten minutes ago while you were sleeping. V:不。我十分钟之前就已经杀死了你,那时你正在熟睡。 Delia Surridge: Will it be painful? 迪利亚·萨瑞吉:会疼吗? V: No. V:不。 Delia Surridge: Thank you. Is it too late to apologize? 迪利亚·萨瑞吉:谢谢你。现在道歉还来得及吗? V: Never. V:永远都不晚。 Delia Surridge: I'm so sorry. 迪利亚·萨瑞吉:我很抱歉。 Why? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation... ...words will always retain their power 因为尽管沉默代替了谈话 言语却总是能保持它的力量 I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares more is none. 只要是男子汉做的事,我都敢做 没有人比我有更大的胆量 ,艺术家用谎言道出真相,政客用谎言掩盖真相 这些么、只有这些了、楼主采纳吧