
我男友她对我很好,很疼我,照顾我,很包容我。我也很爱她,即使家人反对,不被人祝福,我们也要在一起。... 我男友她对我很好,很疼我,照顾我,很包容我。我也很爱她,即使家人反对,不被人祝福,我们也要在一起。 展开
 我来答
曾经我以为我文笔很好,情书写的很不错,刚准备提笔帮你写的时候,突然看到下面的某位大大的话,感触颇深。于是停笔,复制粘贴给你,希望你能有所感悟。。Once I thought I well-written, the feeling of the writing is good, just write to help you write, suddenly see the following a greatly words, think a lot. So stop writing, copy paste for you, hope you can aware.. 情书这玩意还是不要别人教得好。Love letter this stuff or don't teach others well. 为什么呢?因为相爱的人一看就知道不是自己写的。Why? Because people who love each other a look that is not write your own. 如果你真的很爱一个人,就应该告诉她自己想说的话,这就是情书的本意。If you really love a person, you should tell her you want to say, this is the original idea of the love letter. 你的文笔不一定好,但一封真挚的情书肯定能打动人。Your writing is not good, but a sincere love letter is sure to move the person. 比如我曾经就写过这样朴实无华的句子:For example, I had written so simple and unadorned sentence: 我喜欢你,愿意和你在一起,我愿意等在学校门口等你下学,我愿意给你买冰棍吃,我愿意站在你身后一起等着在食堂打饭,我愿意和你在小店里一起给家里打长途电话。这些我都愿意,不是因为我为自己定下了规定,只是因为我做这些都能和你在一起。我喜欢和你在一起的时光。I like you, would like to with you together, I would like to meet you at the school gate and learns, I'd give you buy ice stick to eat, I am willing to stand behind you wait in the canteen together dozen rice, I would like to with you together in a small shop to make a long distance call home. These I would like to, not because I set the rules for himself, just because I'm doing this can be with you. I like and you together of the time. 我不会说什么华丽的词句,我只是想告诉你我的心里话。I won't say what luxuriant words, I just want to tell you my heart now. 朴实无华的心里话更能打动对方的心,因为那是你自己想要告诉对方的心意,他会觉得在和你的心聊天。Simple and unadorned truth can move more each other's heart, because that's what you want to want to tell each other's mind, he will feel in your heart and chat. 这就是情书,情书并不是拍马屁,写的太华丽就会太假。还是自己想说什么就好了。This is the love letter, love letters and not to, write too luxuriant will too false. Or what you want to say.
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