这个是 test.txt 的内容:
1 aa
2 bb
3 cc
4 dd
5 ee
6 ff
7 gg
8 hh
9 ii
这个是 a.bat 的内容:
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set file=test.txt
set line_num=0
for /f %%i in (%file%) do set /a line_num+=1
set /a "line=%random% %% %line_num%"
set /a line+=1
set line_num=0
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in (%file%) do (
set /a line_num+=1
if !line_num!==%line% (
echo %%i
goto :EOF
C:\Documents and Settings\test\桌面>a.bat
7 gg
C:\Documents and Settings\test\桌面>a.bat
7 gg
C:\Documents and Settings\test\桌面>a.bat
8 hh
C:\Documents and Settings\test\桌面>a.bat
3 cc
C:\Documents and Settings\test\桌面>a.bat
5 ee
C:\Documents and Settings\test\桌面>a.bat
4 dd
C:\Documents and Settings\test\桌面>a.bat
3 cc
可以更改 a.bat 里的 test.txt 为你的文件即可。