xlbstart,首先感谢你的回答,为什么我复制替换后游戏里的菜单只显示数字,中文与英文都没有,是什么问题?显示不完整,没法用 展开
xlbstart,首先感谢你的回答,为什么我复制替换后游戏里的菜单只显示数字,中文与英文都没有,是什么问题?显示不完整,没法用 展开
新建一个commandmenu.txt文本文件 把下面的拷贝进去 覆盖源文件 就行了
"0" "Amxx插件菜单"
"0" "开启AMX菜单" "say menu"
"1" "开启AMX比赛菜单设置" "amx_matchmenu"
"3" "[CSDM]死亡-重生菜单设置"
"0" "关闭[CSDM]模式" "rcon sv_restartround 1; csdm_disable"
"1" "开启[CSDM]模式" "rcon sv_restartround 1; csdm_enable"
"2" "开启[CSDM]菜单" "csdm_menu"
"1" "机器人设置"
"0" "&1 添加机器人" "bot_add"
"1" "&2 杀死机器人" "bot_kill"
"2" "&3 增加机器人数量"
"1" "&1 机器人数量"
"1" "1 BOT" "bot_quota 1"
"2" "2 BOT" "bot_quota 2"
"3" "3 BOT" "bot_quota 3"
"4" "4 BOT" "bot_quota 4"
"5" "5 BOT" "bot_quota 5"
"6" "6 BOT" "bot_quota 6"
"7" "7 BOT" "bot_quota 7"
"8" "8 BOT" "bot_quota 8"
"9" "9 BOT" "bot_quota 9"
"10" "输入机器人数" "messagemode bot_quota"
"2" "&2 增加一个到土匪" "bot_add_t"
"3" "&3 增加一个到警察" "bot_add_ct"
"3" "&4 踢出机器人" "bot_kick"
"4" "&5 武器选择"
"1" "&1 只用刀子" "bot_knives_only"
"2" "&2 只用手枪" "bot_pistols_only"
"3" "&3 只用狙击" "bot_snipers_only"
"4" "&4 所有武器" "bot_all_weapons"
"5" "&6 机器人武器开关"
"1" "&1 手枪"
"1" "可用" "bot_allow_pistols 1"
"2" "关闭" "bot_allow_pistols 0"
"2" "&2 散弹枪"
"1" "可用" "bot_allow_shotguns 1"
"2" "关闭" "bot_allow_shotguns 0"
"3" "&3 备用机枪"
"1" "可用" "bot_allow_sub_machine_guns 1"
"2" "关闭" "bot_allow_sub_machine_guns 0"
"4" "&4 来复枪"
"1" "可用" "bot_allow_rifles 1"
"2" "关闭" "bot_allow_rifles 0"
"5" "&5 狙击枪"
"1" "可用" "bot_allow_snipers 1"
"2" "关闭" "bot_allow_snipers 0"
"6" "&6 机关枪"
"1" "可用" "bot_allow_machine_guns 1"
"2" "关闭" "bot_allow_machine_guns 0"
"7" "&7 手榴弹"
"1" "可用" "bot_allow_grenades 1"
"2" "关闭" "bot_allow_grenades 0"
"8" "&8 防弹衣"
"1" "可用" "bot_allow_shield 1"
"2" "关闭" "bot_allow_shield 0"
"6" "&7 机器人设置"
"1" "&1 机器人等级"
"1" "&1 大师的" "bot_difficulty 3"
"2" "&2 困难的" "bot_difficulty 2"
"3" "&3 一般的" "bot_difficulty 1"
"4" "&4 简单的" "bot_difficulty 0"
"2" "&2 机器人加入方"
"1" "&1 加入土匪" "bot_join_team t"
"2" "&2 加入警察" "bot_join_team ct"
"3" "&3 随机加入" "bot_join_team any"
"3" "&3 机器人智商"
"1" "&1 高级" "allow_rogues 1"
"2" "&2 关闭" "allow_rogues 0"
"4" "&4 暂停BOT活动"
"1" "暂停活动" "bot_stop 1"
"2" "恢复活动" "bot_stop 0"
"5" "&5 是否允许闲逛"
"1" "允许" "bot_allow_rogues 1"
"2" "不允许" "bot_allow_rogues 0"
"2" "网络带宽设置"
"1" "56k网络环境" "exec gfx/cfg/56k.cfg"
"2" "64k网络环境" "exec gfx/cfg/64k.cfg"
"3" "128k网络环境" "exec gfx/cfg/128k.cfg"
"4" "256k网络环境" "exec gfx/cfg/256k.cfg"
"5" "384k网络环境" "exec gfx/cfg/384k.cfg"
"6" "512k网络环境" "exec gfx/cfg/512k.cfg"
"7" "768k网络环境" "exec gfx/cfg/768k.cfg"
"8" "1M网络环境" "exec gfx/cfg/1mbit.cfg"
"9" "2M网络环境" "exec gfx/cfg/2mbit.cfg"
"10" "3M网络环境" "exec gfx/cfg/3mbit.cfg"
"11" "局域网环境" "exec gfx/cfg/lan.cfg"
"3" "服务器设置"
"0" "&1 管理员密码" "messagemode rcon_password"
"1" "&2 服务器密码" "developer 1; echo Please enter the new Join Password ; developer 0;messagemode sv_password"
"2" "刷新服务器"
"1" "&1 1秒后刷新" "rcon sv_restartround 1"
"2" "&2 3秒后刷新" "exec gfx/cfg/r3.cfg"
"3" "&4 重新载入" "rcon restart"
"4" "&5 初始金钱"
"1" "$800" "mp_startmoney 800;rcon mp_startmoney 800;say 设置开始金钱为 $800;rcon sv_restartround 1"
"2" "$16000" "mp_startmoney 16000;rcon mp_startmoney 16000;rcon sv_restartround 1"
"5" "&6 人数平衡"
"1" "打开" "rcon mp_autoteambalance 1; rcon mp_limitteams 2"
"2" "关闭" "rcon mp_autoteambalance 0; rcon mp_limitteams 32"
"6" "&7 观看视角"
"1" "自由模式" "rcon mp_forcecamera 0"
"2" "队友模式" "rcon mp_forcecamera 1"
"3" "主视模式" "rcon mp_forcecamera 2"
"7" "&8 时间设置"
"1" "地图时间 (分)"
"1" "15分钟" "rcon mp_timelimit 15"
"2" "30分钟" "rcon mp_timelimit 30"
"3" "50分钟" "rcon mp_timelimit 50"
"4" "不限时" "rcon mp_timelimit 0"
"2" "每局时间 (分)"
"1" "2分钟" "rcon mp_roundtime 2"
"2" "3分钟" "rcon mp_roundtime 3"
"3" "4分钟" "rcon mp_roundtime 4"
"4" "5分钟" "rcon mp_roundtime 5"
"3" "静止时间 (秒)"
"1" "不静止" "rcon mp_freezetime 0"
"2" "静止2秒" "rcon mp_freezetime 2"
"3" "静止3秒" "rcon mp_freezetime 3"
"4" "静止4秒" "rcon mp_freezetime 5"
"4" "购买时间 (秒)"
"1" "30秒" "rcon mp_buytime 0.5"
"2" "60秒" "rcon mp_buytime 1"
"3" "90秒" "rcon mp_buytime 1.5"
"4" "120秒" "rcon mp_buytime 2"
"5" "不限制" "rcon mp_buytime 99"
"5" "爆炸时间"
"1" "35秒(推荐)" "rcon mp_c4timer 35"
"2" "45秒" "rcon mp_c4timer 45"
"8" "&9 参数设置"
"1" "友军伤害"
"1" "打开" "rcon mp_friendlyfire 1;rcon mp_tkpunish 0;rcon mp_autokick 0"
"2" "关闭" "rcon mp_friendlyfire 0"
"2" "死后黑屏"
"1" "打开" "rcon mp_fadetoblack 1"
"2" "关闭" "rcon mp_fadetoblack 0"
"9" "&0 重力设置"
"1" "正常模式" "rcon sv_gravity 800"
"2" "月球模式" "rcon sv_gravity 80"
"3" "高重力模式" "rcon sv_gravity 2000"
"4" "无重力模式" "rcon sv_gravity 0"
"+" "&+ 通话设置"
"1" "队内通话" "rcon sv_alltalk 0;rcon sv_alltalk 0"
"2" "全局通话" "rcon sv_alltalk 1;rcon sv_alltalk 1"
"3" "踢出谁" "messagemode kick"
"4" "游戏设置"
"1" "&1 修改名字" "messagemode name"
"2" "&2 图像调整"
"1" "&1 网络状态"
"1" "关闭" "net_graph 0"
"2" "模式1" "net_graph 1"
"3" "模式2" "net_graph 2"
"4" "模式3" "net_graph 3"
"2" "&2 显示位置"
"1" "左边" "net_graphpos 3"
"2" "中间" "net_graphpos 2"
"3" "右边" "net_graphpos 1"
"3" "&3 FPS显示"
"1" "打开" "cl_showfps 1"
"2" "关闭" "cl_showfps 0"
"4" "&4 FPS设置"
"1" "150" "fps_max 150"
"2" "101(推荐)" "fps_max 101"
"3" "75" "fps_max 75"
"5" "&5 画面设置"
"1" "纹理质量"
"1" "高质量" "gl_maxsize 512"
"2" "中质量" "gl_maxsize 256"
"3" "低质量" "gl_maxsize 128"
"2" "动态光影"
"1" "打开" "r_dynamic 1"
"2" "关闭" "r_dynamic 0"
"3" "模型精度"
"1" "高质量" "cl_highmodel 1"
"2" "低质量" "cl_highmodel 0"
"4" "光洞效果"
"1" "打开" "gl_lightholes 1"
"2" "关闭" "gl_lightholes 0"
"5" "游戏贴图"
"1" "高级" "gl_playermip 0"
"2" "中级" "gl_playermip 1"
"3" "低级" "gl_playermip 2"
"6" "&6 人物影子"
"1" "开" "cl_shadows 1"
"2" "关" "cl_shadows 0"
"7" "&7 天气效果"
"1" "开" "cl_weather 1"
"2" "关" "cl_weather 0"
"3" "&3 左右切换"
"1" "切换左手" "cl_righthand 0"
"2" "切换右手" "cl_righthand 1"
"3" "左刀右枪" "cl_lw 0"
"4" "&4 快速换枪"
"1" "打开" "hud_fastswitch 1"
"2" "关闭" "hud_fastswitch 0"
"5" "&5 动态准星"
"1" "打开" "cl_dynamiccrosshair 1"
"2" "关闭" "cl_dynamiccrosshair 0"
"6" "&6 网络延时"
"1" "正常0.10" "ex_interp 0.1"
"2" "延时0.75" "ex_interp 0.75"
"3" "提前0.05" "ex_interp 0.05"
"7" "&7 准星颜色" "adjust_crosshair"
"8" "&8 切换武器"
"1" "&1 保持武器" "_cl_autowepswitch 0"
"1" "&2 换出武器" "_cl_autowepswitch 1"
"9" "&9 雷达设置"
"0" "&1 透明模式" "cl_radartype 0"
"1" "&2 实体模式" "cl_radartype 1"
"5" "地图切换"
"1" "地图列表1"
"1" "&1 de_aztec" "rcon changelevel de_aztec"
"2" "&2 de_train" "rcon changelevel de_train"
"3" "&3 de_dust" "rcon changelevel de_dust"
"4" "&4 de_dust2" "rcon changelevel de_dust2"
"5" "&5 de_cbble" "rcon changelevel de_cbble"
"6" "&6 de_inferno" "rcon changelevel de_inferno"
"7" "&7 de_nuke" "rcon changelevel de_nuke"
"8" "&8 de_prodigy" "rcon changelevel de_prodigy"
"9" "&9 de_cpl_mill" "rcon changelevel de_cpl_mill"
"0" "&0 de_cpl_strike" "rcon changelevel de_cpl_strike"
"3" "手动换图" "messagemode changelevel"
"6" "鼠标调整" "messagemode sensitivity"
"7" "退出菜单"
"0" "Amxx插件菜单"
"0" "开启AMX菜单" "say menu"
"1" "开启AMX比赛菜单设置" "amx_matchmenu"
"3" "[CSDM]死亡-重生菜单设置"
"0" "关闭[CSDM]模式" "rcon sv_restartround 1; csdm_disable"
"1" "开启[CSDM]模式" "rcon sv_restartround 1; csdm_enable"
"2" "开启[CSDM]菜单" "csdm_menu"
"1" "机器人设置"
"0" "&1 添加机器人" "bot_add"
"1" "&2 杀死机器人" "bot_kill"
"2" "&3 增加机器人数量"
"1" "&1 机器人数量"
"1" "1 BOT" "bot_quota 1"
"2" "2 BOT" "bot_quota 2"
"3" "3 BOT" "bot_quota 3"
"4" "4 BOT" "bot_quota 4"
"5" "5 BOT" "bot_quota 5"
"6" "6 BOT" "bot_quota 6"
"7" "7 BOT" "bot_quota 7"
"8" "8 BOT" "bot_quota 8"
"9" "9 BOT" "bot_quota 9"
"10" "输入机器人数" "messagemode bot_quota"
"2" "&2 增加一个到土匪" "bot_add_t"
"3" "&3 增加一个到警察" "bot_add_ct"
"3" "&4 踢出机器人" "bot_kick"
"4" "&5 武器选择"
"1" "&1 只用刀子" "bot_knives_only"
"2" "&2 只用手枪" "bot_pistols_only"
"3" "&3 只用狙击" "bot_snipers_only"
"4" "&4 所有武器" "bot_all_weapons"
"5" "&6 机器人武器开关"
"1" "&1 手枪"
"1" "可用" "bot_allow_pistols 1"
"2" "关闭" "bot_allow_pistols 0"
"2" "&2 散弹枪"
"1" "可用" "bot_allow_shotguns 1"
"2" "关闭" "bot_allow_shotguns 0"
"3" "&3 备用机枪"
"1" "可用" "bot_allow_sub_machine_guns 1"
"2" "关闭" "bot_allow_sub_machine_guns 0"
"4" "&4 来复枪"
"1" "可用" "bot_allow_rifles 1"
"2" "关闭" "bot_allow_rifles 0"
"5" "&5 狙击枪"
"1" "可用" "bot_allow_snipers 1"
"2" "关闭" "bot_allow_snipers 0"
"6" "&6 机关枪"
"1" "可用" "bot_allow_machine_guns 1"
"2" "关闭" "bot_allow_machine_guns 0"
"7" "&7 手榴弹"
"1" "可用" "bot_allow_grenades 1"
"2" "关闭" "bot_allow_grenades 0"
"8" "&8 防弹衣"
"1" "可用" "bot_allow_shield 1"
"2" "关闭" "bot_allow_shield 0"
"6" "&7 机器人设置"
"1" "&1 机器人等级"
"1" "&1 大师的" "bot_difficulty 3"
"2" "&2 困难的" "bot_difficulty 2"
"3" "&3 一般的" "bot_difficulty 1"
"4" "&4 简单的" "bot_difficulty 0"
"2" "&2 机器人加入方"
"1" "&1 加入土匪" "bot_join_team t"
"2" "&2 加入警察" "bot_join_team ct"
"3" "&3 随机加入" "bot_join_team any"
"3" "&3 机器人智商"
"1" "&1 高级" "allow_rogues 1"
"2" "&2 关闭" "allow_rogues 0"
"4" "&4 暂停BOT活动"
"1" "暂停活动" "bot_stop 1"
"2" "恢复活动" "bot_stop 0"
"5" "&5 是否允许闲逛"
"1" "允许" "bot_allow_rogues 1"
"2" "不允许" "bot_allow_rogues 0"
"2" "网络带宽设置"
"1" "56k网络环境" "exec gfx/cfg/56k.cfg"
"2" "64k网络环境" "exec gfx/cfg/64k.cfg"
"3" "128k网络环境" "exec gfx/cfg/128k.cfg"
"4" "256k网络环境" "exec gfx/cfg/256k.cfg"
"5" "384k网络环境" "exec gfx/cfg/384k.cfg"
"6" "512k网络环境" "exec gfx/cfg/512k.cfg"
"7" "768k网络环境" "exec gfx/cfg/768k.cfg"
"8" "1M网络环境" "exec gfx/cfg/1mbit.cfg"
"9" "2M网络环境" "exec gfx/cfg/2mbit.cfg"
"10" "3M网络环境" "exec gfx/cfg/3mbit.cfg"
"11" "局域网环境" "exec gfx/cfg/lan.cfg"
"3" "服务器设置"
"0" "&1 管理员密码" "messagemode rcon_password"
"1" "&2 服务器密码" "developer 1; echo Please enter the new Join Password ; developer 0;messagemode sv_password"
"2" "刷新服务器"
"1" "&1 1秒后刷新" "rcon sv_restartround 1"
"2" "&2 3秒后刷新" "exec gfx/cfg/r3.cfg"
"3" "&4 重新载入" "rcon restart"
"4" "&5 初始金钱"
"1" "$800" "mp_startmoney 800;rcon mp_startmoney 800;say 设置开始金钱为 $800;rcon sv_restartround 1"
"2" "$16000" "mp_startmoney 16000;rcon mp_startmoney 16000;rcon sv_restartround 1"
"5" "&6 人数平衡"
"1" "打开" "rcon mp_autoteambalance 1; rcon mp_limitteams 2"
"2" "关闭" "rcon mp_autoteambalance 0; rcon mp_limitteams 32"
"6" "&7 观看视角"
"1" "自由模式" "rcon mp_forcecamera 0"
"2" "队友模式" "rcon mp_forcecamera 1"
"3" "主视模式" "rcon mp_forcecamera 2"
"7" "&8 时间设置"
"1" "地图时间 (分)"
"1" "15分钟" "rcon mp_timelimit 15"
"2" "30分钟" "rcon mp_timelimit 30"
"3" "50分钟" "rcon mp_timelimit 50"
"4" "不限时" "rcon mp_timelimit 0"
"2" "每局时间 (分)"
"1" "2分钟" "rcon mp_roundtime 2"
"2" "3分钟" "rcon mp_roundtime 3"
"3" "4分钟" "rcon mp_roundtime 4"
"4" "5分钟" "rcon mp_roundtime 5"
"3" "静止时间 (秒)"
"1" "不静止" "rcon mp_freezetime 0"
"2" "静止2秒" "rcon mp_freezetime 2"
"3" "静止3秒" "rcon mp_freezetime 3"
"4" "静止4秒" "rcon mp_freezetime 5"
"4" "购买时间 (秒)"
"1" "30秒" "rcon mp_buytime 0.5"
"2" "60秒" "rcon mp_buytime 1"
"3" "90秒" "rcon mp_buytime 1.5"
"4" "120秒" "rcon mp_buytime 2"
"5" "不限制" "rcon mp_buytime 99"
"5" "爆炸时间"
"1" "35秒(推荐)" "rcon mp_c4timer 35"
"2" "45秒" "rcon mp_c4timer 45"
"8" "&9 参数设置"
"1" "友军伤害"
"1" "打开" "rcon mp_friendlyfire 1;rcon mp_tkpunish 0;rcon mp_autokick 0"
"2" "关闭" "rcon mp_friendlyfire 0"
"2" "死后黑屏"
"1" "打开" "rcon mp_fadetoblack 1"
"2" "关闭" "rcon mp_fadetoblack 0"
"9" "&0 重力设置"
"1" "正常模式" "rcon sv_gravity 800"
"2" "月球模式" "rcon sv_gravity 80"
"3" "高重力模式" "rcon sv_gravity 2000"
"4" "无重力模式" "rcon sv_gravity 0"
"+" "&+ 通话设置"
"1" "队内通话" "rcon sv_alltalk 0;rcon sv_alltalk 0"
"2" "全局通话" "rcon sv_alltalk 1;rcon sv_alltalk 1"
"3" "踢出谁" "messagemode kick"
"4" "游戏设置"
"1" "&1 修改名字" "messagemode name"
"2" "&2 图像调整"
"1" "&1 网络状态"
"1" "关闭" "net_graph 0"
"2" "模式1" "net_graph 1"
"3" "模式2" "net_graph 2"
"4" "模式3" "net_graph 3"
"2" "&2 显示位置"
"1" "左边" "net_graphpos 3"
"2" "中间" "net_graphpos 2"
"3" "右边" "net_graphpos 1"
"3" "&3 FPS显示"
"1" "打开" "cl_showfps 1"
"2" "关闭" "cl_showfps 0"
"4" "&4 FPS设置"
"1" "150" "fps_max 150"
"2" "101(推荐)" "fps_max 101"
"3" "75" "fps_max 75"
"5" "&5 画面设置"
"1" "纹理质量"
"1" "高质量" "gl_maxsize 512"
"2" "中质量" "gl_maxsize 256"
"3" "低质量" "gl_maxsize 128"
"2" "动态光影"
"1" "打开" "r_dynamic 1"
"2" "关闭" "r_dynamic 0"
"3" "模型精度"
"1" "高质量" "cl_highmodel 1"
"2" "低质量" "cl_highmodel 0"
"4" "光洞效果"
"1" "打开" "gl_lightholes 1"
"2" "关闭" "gl_lightholes 0"
"5" "游戏贴图"
"1" "高级" "gl_playermip 0"
"2" "中级" "gl_playermip 1"
"3" "低级" "gl_playermip 2"
"6" "&6 人物影子"
"1" "开" "cl_shadows 1"
"2" "关" "cl_shadows 0"
"7" "&7 天气效果"
"1" "开" "cl_weather 1"
"2" "关" "cl_weather 0"
"3" "&3 左右切换"
"1" "切换左手" "cl_righthand 0"
"2" "切换右手" "cl_righthand 1"
"3" "左刀右枪" "cl_lw 0"
"4" "&4 快速换枪"
"1" "打开" "hud_fastswitch 1"
"2" "关闭" "hud_fastswitch 0"
"5" "&5 动态准星"
"1" "打开" "cl_dynamiccrosshair 1"
"2" "关闭" "cl_dynamiccrosshair 0"
"6" "&6 网络延时"
"1" "正常0.10" "ex_interp 0.1"
"2" "延时0.75" "ex_interp 0.75"
"3" "提前0.05" "ex_interp 0.05"
"7" "&7 准星颜色" "adjust_crosshair"
"8" "&8 切换武器"
"1" "&1 保持武器" "_cl_autowepswitch 0"
"1" "&2 换出武器" "_cl_autowepswitch 1"
"9" "&9 雷达设置"
"0" "&1 透明模式" "cl_radartype 0"
"1" "&2 实体模式" "cl_radartype 1"
"5" "地图切换"
"1" "地图列表1"
"1" "&1 de_aztec" "rcon changelevel de_aztec"
"2" "&2 de_train" "rcon changelevel de_train"
"3" "&3 de_dust" "rcon changelevel de_dust"
"4" "&4 de_dust2" "rcon changelevel de_dust2"
"5" "&5 de_cbble" "rcon changelevel de_cbble"
"6" "&6 de_inferno" "rcon changelevel de_inferno"
"7" "&7 de_nuke" "rcon changelevel de_nuke"
"8" "&8 de_prodigy" "rcon changelevel de_prodigy"
"9" "&9 de_cpl_mill" "rcon changelevel de_cpl_mill"
"0" "&0 de_cpl_strike" "rcon changelevel de_cpl_strike"
"3" "手动换图" "messagemode changelevel"
"6" "鼠标调整" "messagemode sensitivity"
"7" "退出菜单"
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