关于MiniGUI运行helloworld 5
InitGUI: Low level event initialization failure!
InitGUI failure when using /usr/local/etc/MiniGUI.cfg as cfg file.
求大神帮忙啊,就只有这么多分,见谅了 展开
# This configuration file must be installed in /etc,
# /usr/local/etc or your home directory. When you install it in your
# home directory, it should be named ".MiniGUI.cfg".
# The priority of above configruation files is ~/.MiniGUI.cfg,
# /usr/local/etc/MiniGUI.cfg, and then /etc/MiniGUI.cfg.
# If you change the install path of MiniGUI resource, you should
# modify this file to meet your configuration.
# The format of this configuration file has changed since the last release.
# Please DONT forget to provide the latest MiniGUI.cfg file for your MiniGUI.