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2024-02-20 广告
CharleSworthPublishingServicesLimited是一家专业的SCI论文润色服务机构,拥有丰富的学术出版经验和高水平的英文编辑团队。我们提供全面的SCI论文润色服务,包括语言润色、学术规范指导和专业领域内的专家审稿等... 点击进入详情页
Course website is an important applicationin the form of education and teaching work of information technology. Accordingto the National Quality Course Resource Centerstatistics until the end of May 2011, only 24,446 of which had excellent coursewebsite, accessing to reach 11,615,023 internet passengers. However, the user'songoing access to which has been below 50%, and the interaction rate (networkinteraction between users) are consistently below 5.43%, which indicates thatthe user hardly communicate on the course website. The website of the course isalso occasionally used, which is far from able to achieve self-learning andcollaborative learning, the purpose of improving the quality of teaching. Infact, the existing curriculum website, especially Courses website mostly lackof project evaluation and hastily built, which lead to the lack of features,the lack of analysis of the users (mainly students) and receiving cognitivebehavioral level. Due to the use of interest, It is difficult to Expand theideal platform for users to become autonomous learning. In the meantime, theresearch community focused on the theoretical aspects related to the designforum. For example, Fu Yang Wu takes the "Chemical Reaction Engineering"as an example. From the perspective of the course website, design coursewebsite noted in building interface design, website design and websiteresources should follow page design and other aspects discussed in the campusnetwork course website. Based on course website sharing, Lehman has proposed tobuild the course website concept, the theory -based coalition pointed out tobuild a course website, which can promote the quality of teaching with sharing,participation and competition in three areas. What is more, the course siteshould pay attention to the issue.
In the meanwhile, Lehman also noted thatthe course Web site design and maintenance of the system should be strengthenedto motivate members to guide the rational allocation of resources, and to playa team from the perspective of the overall effect of public goods. However,these studies lacking of use of empirical research methods to focus on theuser's selling point has empirical research and analysis to accept the behaviorof the user. From the user's point of view, the use of empirical researchmethods course website should feature not only complements studies theoristscourse site, but also close to the user, who accepts an accurate grasp of thefactors affecting the course Web site. To effectively attract users to continueusing its solution, and to use the low interaction rate and other issues inorder to achieve the purpose of improving the quality of teaching. In view ofthis, the author of the course website interactivity features in the base modeland interactive technology acceptance theory try to build the relational model affectingthe user wishes, and using structural equation modeling hypotheses. As aresult, website courses are wanted to be able to fully play an important rolein modern education course website teaching.
(I) Conclusion
The purpose ofthis study was to investigate the factors that influence users to use thecourse website, which established a course website acceptance model based onthe technology acceptance model, and talked about 12 assuming empirical testmodel. The results indicate user awareness (perceived usefulness, perceivedease of use and environmental identity) positively correlated with the behaviorand attitude, perceived usefulness and environmental recognition and positivecorrelation between the use of intention, perceived ease of use positivelyinfluence perceived usefulness, curriculum site informative and perceivedusefulness positively correlated course website, which interactiveentertainment positively correlated with perceived ease of use, andenvironmental identity, respectively. Based on the findings of this article,the author can make college courses on the construction site with a fewsuggestions:
1. Making full useof multimedia technology to create a relaxed learning environment at presentmost of the course web statically show, which is also the current organization,and teaching content presented mainly in two ways:
(1) text and static images: This method isequivalent to the book blunt move;
(2)PowerPoint讲稿:直接将教师的PowerPoint 演示文件放到网上,趣味性明显不强。
Website builderprograms should improve Web site design with reasonable and clear colors pagelayout, highlighting the course website features style. Meanwhile, with avariety of media video, animation, and sound production vivid multimediateaching resources for knowledge transfer. So the user can not only deepenunderstanding of knowledge and recognition, but also to create a pleasantlearning atmosphere to attract users to actively participate in the learningprogram website.
2. Ideal web siteshould be able to base on the user's knowledge, learning content dynamicallygenerated program structure, provides powerful interactive features and developstudy habits. This requires the course website possess powerful interactivefeatures. In addition to providing real-time website courseware on demand, the websitealso should pay attention to a variety of interaction, such as email,discussion forums, BBS, online Q and other functions. In the same time, youshould also use a variety of methods, channels promotional site, users use thesite to encourage students to communicate or discuss issues of learning,students online learning habits so that they can independently arrangegradually learning progress, learning time and learning content, completeautonomy learning task.
3. The constructionof three-dimensional teaching resources,and theestablishment of the personal responsible for the site 's development programstake full advantage of the characteristics of the site capacity expansionprograms , and the integration of a variety of teaching resources , and the useof hyperlinks way , and the three-dimensional network consist of a variety ofmedia materials, teaching materials and course content closely, creating athree-dimensional teaching resources for users, thus opening up a userperspective. In addition, in order to increase the site's informative programsand websites vitality, website content must be regularly updated. The website canconsider each semester the course of the period as a web content updates, and themain classroom teachers assigned main person responsible for the establishmentof the person , who is responsible for the course website content which isregularly updated ( such as exercises, papers, audio and video courseware ,etc. ). In this way, you can ensure that users get the latest knowledge from thesite of the course, but also to allow timely access to course instructors userto feedback, to better grasp the learning dynamic learners, and to provide moretargeted guidance to improve the quality of teaching. In addition, from theperspective of the individual user perception and emotional starting point,building courses should focus more on the website user-friendly design, becausethe content is more user-friendly, thus improving the overall user identity tothe course website . While improving the adaptability of the course websitesystem to provide learning content tailored for learners, improving the siteuses effects play an important role.
(II) Study limitations and future researchdirections

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