The Catalyst 歌词

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2013-08-16 · TA获得超过478个赞
歌曲名:The Catalyst
歌手:Linkin Park
专辑:A Thousand Suns

Linkin Park - The Catalyst
God bless us everyone
We're a broken people living under loaded gun
And it can't be outfought
It can't be outdone
It can't out matched
It can't be outrun
God bless us everyone
We're a broken people living under loaded gun
And it can't be outfought
It can't be outdone
It can't out matched
It can't be outrun
No no
And when I close my eyes tonight
To symphonies of blinding light
God bless us everyone
We're a broken people living under loaded gun
No oh
Like memories in cold decay
Transmissions echoing away
Far from the world of you and I
Where oceans bleed into the sky
God save us everyone
When we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns
For the sins of my head
The sins of my tongue
The sins of our fathers
The sins of our young
God save us everyone
When we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns
For the sins of my head
The sins of my tongue
The sins of our fathers
The sins of our young
No oh
And when I close my eyes tonight
To symphonies of blinding light
God save us everyone
When we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns
No oh
Like memories in cold decay
Transmissions echoing away
Far from the world of you and I
Where oceans bleed into the sky
No oh
Like memories in cold decay
Transmissions echoing away
Far from the world of you and I
Where oceans bleed into the sky
Lift me up, let me go
Lift me up, let me go
Lift me up, let me go
Lift me up, let me go
Lift me up, let me go
Lift me up, let me go
Lift me up, let me go
Lift me up, let me go
Lift me up, let me go
Lift me up, let me go
God bless us everyone
We're a broken people living under loaded gun
And it can't be outfought
It can't be outdone
It can't out matched
It can't be outrun NO!
God bless us everyone
We're a broken people living under loaded gun
And it can't be outfought
It can't be outdone
It can't out matched
It can't be outrun
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