up ,for ,with ,in ,after ,off ,in ,like ,from 。。。to , at ,away ,on
I often do morning exercise ----------- 6:30 ------------ the morning。
We usually go to school --------- Monday --------- Friday。
John plays football ----- his friends ---------- Sunday。
My sister is looking -------- her cat here and there。
There is a beautiful bird -------- the tree 。
What's the weather --------- in Wuhan?
My little brother is ill ,I must look --------- him at home 。
Please put --------- your shoes and socks ,jim?
He usually gets --------- very early every day。
It's very hot ,you'd better take ---------- your coat。 展开
up ,for ,with ,in ,after ,off ,in ,like ,from 。。。to , at ,away ,on
I often do morning exercise ----------- 6:30 ------------ the morning。
We usually go to school --------- Monday --------- Friday。
John plays football ----- his friends ---------- Sunday。
My sister is looking -------- her cat here and there。
There is a beautiful bird -------- the tree 。
What's the weather --------- in Wuhan?
My little brother is ill ,I must look --------- him at home 。
Please put --------- your shoes and socks ,jim?
He usually gets --------- very early every day。
It's very hot ,you'd better take ---------- your coat。 展开
I often do morning exercise 【at】 6:30 【in】 the morning。
We usually go to school 【from】Monday【to】Friday。
John plays football【with】 his friends【on】 Sunday。
My sister is looking 【for 到处找】 her cat here and there。
There is a beautiful bird 【in】the tree 。
What's the weather 【like】 in Wuhan?
My little brother is ill ,I must look -【after 照顾】 him at home 。
Please put 【away (put away)放好你的鞋和袜子】your shoes and socks ,jim?
He usually gets -【up 起床】 very early every day。
It's very hot ,you'd better take【off 脱掉】 your coat。
We usually go to school 【from】Monday【to】Friday。
John plays football【with】 his friends【on】 Sunday。
My sister is looking 【for 到处找】 her cat here and there。
There is a beautiful bird 【in】the tree 。
What's the weather 【like】 in Wuhan?
My little brother is ill ,I must look -【after 照顾】 him at home 。
Please put 【away (put away)放好你的鞋和袜子】your shoes and socks ,jim?
He usually gets -【up 起床】 very early every day。
It's very hot ,you'd better take【off 脱掉】 your coat。