2005欧洲非食品科学委员会研究报告sccp for henna,此报告结论说的是“海娜粉安全性需要进一步研究”而不是“海娜粉对身体有副作用,欧盟禁用海娜粉染发”。
2013.9月欧洲非食品科学委员会研究报告 此实验报告第38页结论4. CONCLUSION:The SCCS is of the opinion that the information provided is sufficient to assess the safe useof Henna as a hair dye. The assessment is based on the Henna batches 1271 and 830.72 SCCS/1511/13, 19 09 2013Opinion on Lawsonia Inermis (Henna) C16939and relates to a Lawsone content of max. 1.4%. When formulated and applied as indicatedunder functions and uses, e.g. 100 g Henna powder mixed with 300 ml boiling water Hennais considered safe for the consumer.Other kinds of extracts of Henna that may have different compositions are not covered bythis assessment.The traditional and current expanding use of Henna Rot (Lawsonia inermis) as a body-painthas not been assessed.Additionally, a reassessment of the genotoxicity of Lawsone by the SCCS is desirable,此段英文的意思是海娜粉被用于染发是安全的,而被用于纹身则需要再研究实验!很多人可能不知道这个机构,在欧洲,对于环境,还有人类使用的消费产品的要求是相当高的。如果达不到他们研究过后的标准要求,任何国家的产品都无法在其境内销售。可以理解为是发布技术规范,评估产品安全性的欧盟最高科学研究单位。有些别有用心的人说欧盟禁用海娜粉染发,请问是在哪里找的资料?我用蒂飞丝海娜粉10年了。从来没有过敏的情况,2013年媒体说海娜粉有毒,我特意查了资料,完全是乱弹琴。一些记者不了解清楚情况,跟着乱起哄