52期英语周报外研版 高一英语下学期期末综合复习一

 我来答
推荐于2016-12-01 · TA获得超过9万个赞
1-5 DACDA 6-10 BDCBD
11-15 ACCDB 16-20DGBCF 21-25 BDADC 26-30CBABC
31-35 BACCD 36-40DBCBA
41. surprised 42.be sent
43. without 44.to talk
45. approaching 46.and
47. with 48. disagree
49. carefully 50.what
51. ... something for ... for → to
52. ... live the better life. the→ a
53. ... but you try ...
去掉but或but → yet
54. ... delicious meal ... meal → meals
55. ... help me make ... help → helps
56. ... encouraged me ...
encouraged→ encourage
57. ... keep try. try → trying
58. ... to brave ... brave前加be
59. ... so many. many → much
60. ... deeply love. deeply → deep
One possible version:
Dear David,
How is everything going? My friends and Ihave decided to go on an adventure trip to Hainan Islandduring the summer holidays. I am writing to tell you about our travel plan.
We will be traveling around Hainan Islandfrom July 15 to 21. While there we will go hiking, climb the mountains, swimnear the beach and have a campfire party. We also plan to go diving if weatherpermits. I'd like you to join us if possible. I am sure we will have a lot offun being together.
Please remember to pack your bathing suitand take your passport.
I'm looking forward to your reply.
A篇 (兴趣与爱好)
1. D。词义猜测题。由第二段的become interested in cooking可知,Andrews姐妹对烹饪很感兴趣,故选D项。
2. A。细节理解题。由文章中的Our mom and dad taught us the basics可知,Andrews姐妹的父母教她们开始做饭。
3. C。推理判断题。由倒数第三段的In the winter, Lilly and I love making hot soup. In the summer,we're always coming up with new salads可知,Andrews姐妹最喜欢做的菜会因季节变化而不同。
4. D。细节理解题。由最后一段的Start by adding new things to foods you already enjoy和Start small, and slowly可知,Andrews姐妹建议想学烹饪的人一点一点来尝试一些新事物。
B篇 (自然)
5. A。细节理解题。由第二段的The farmer spent many hours destroying the dam. Finally, the waterran out of his field and back to the river可知,农民拆掉河坝是为了让地里的水流出去。
6. B。推理判断题。由第二段的they left behind a farmer who never wanted to see such hard-workingbeavers again可知,农民再也不想见到筑坝的河狸,说明他很生气。
7. D。细节理解题。由倒数第二段的This makes a loud sound that warns other beavers to dive into safewater可知,遇到危险时,河狸的尾巴可以在水面上拍出巨大的响声,提醒其他河狸远离危险。
8. C。推理判断题。由最后一段可知,护林员认为河狸筑坝可以为水生动物提供栖居之所,便宜实用,故选C项。
C篇 (节假日活动)
本文是说明文。文章介绍了由FreshAir Fund组织主办的夏令营活动。
9. B。推理判断题。由第二段的“Here” is a summercamp that's only an hour from New York City可知,第一段是为了引出主题。
10. D。细节理解题。由第二段的The fund pays for all expenses可知,参加夏令营是免费的。
11. A。细节理解题。由第三段的go hiking, fishing, and of course, swimming可知,夏令营有很多运动可以参加。
D篇 (热点话题)
12. C。写作手法题。由第一段作者对其自身经历的介绍可知,该段的写作手法是举例子。
13. C。词义猜测题。由第二段的We need to break the cycle of financial illiteracy可知,money savvy的意思是“懂得理财的人”。
14. D。段落大意题。由第三段的buy insurance policies they didn't need. Many wasted their money onthem. Few have the patience to read the small print可知,很多人花钱时都稀里糊涂。
15. B。细节理解题。由最后一段的but I am simply telling them to spend it wisely可知,Martin Lewis建议人们理性地花钱。

16. D。由该空后面的They also have rules about who speaks first and how a conversationstarts and ends可知,不同的文化有不同的问候方式。
17. G。由该空前面的In some cultures, people take turns during a conversation可知,该段是讲说话顺序的,故选G项。
18. B。B项中的silence与上文的there is silence呼应,而且由该空后面的However, this doesn'thappen ... silence after someone has spoken shows respect for the speaker可知前后形成对比,故选B项。
19. C。由该空后面的family life is a good topic及money topics可知,各个地方的谈话主题有所不同。
20. F。由该空后面的They might start with a long introduction to their point and endwith a long conclusion可知,有些人会花费较长的时间去陈述自己的观点,故选F项。

21. B。由下文的there is no easy answer to that question可知,“不幸地(Unfortunately)”是这个问题并没有一个简单的答案。
22. D。由下文两位老师的观点可知,他们对如何学习语言持有“不同的(different)”观点。
23. A。上文的learn languages是提示。
24. D。由下文的long hours of study及需要预习背诵等可知,学习语言是“费力的(hard)”。
25. C。由本段学习语言的辛苦可知,学习语言是苦差事,不是“乐趣(fun)”。本段最后一句也是提示。
26. C。27. B。由文中的sittingat a desk receiving ... from the teacher可知,作为一个好的“学习者(learner)”应该接受老师教授的“知识(knowledge)”。
28. A。由下文的you should prepare for及by looking up new words可知,上课“前(Before)”应该提前作准备。
29. B。由下文的after the lesson is finished可知,要提前为“上课(lesson)”作准备。
30. C。由上文的looking up new words and translating words and texts可知,上课前要查新单词,翻译不“理解(understand)”的课文。
31. B。由上文的after the lesson is finished可知,下课后要“复习(review)”。
32. A。由上文的new及after thelesson is finished可知,课后要记“新(new)”语法。
33. C。由上文的prepare及下文的before the lesson可知,要向老师要课前“预习(prepare)”的资料。
34. C。由下文的This is just a form of playing games and is not learning可知,要“警惕(Be careful of)”让同学之间开展活动的老师。
35. D。由下文的language students do not ... classes in which they sit passively可知,这是“我”的“发现(found)”。
36. D。由下文的Nor do they like classes where the teacher可知,学生们不“喜欢(like)”被动地学习。
37. B。由上文的sit passively及下文的get learners actively interacting and communicating可知,学生们也不喜欢老师“主宰(controls)”一切的课堂。
38. C。由下文的satisfy learner needs in any way. We need major changes可知,“我们”需要改变,因为“我们”的课堂“并没有(failing)”满足学生的需要。
39. B。40. A。根据上文学生的不满可知,“我们”不仅要改变课程的内容,“尤其(especially)”要改变课程的类型,最“重要地(importantly)”是要对老师进行再培训。

41. surprised。考查形容词。由be可知此处填形容词,又因主语是you,故填surprised。
42. be sent。考查语态。messages与send之间是被动关系,故填besent。
43. without。考查介词。由smile and ... continue on可知,人们在街上遇到熟人时,可能会微笑,点头后继续前行,而没有言语交流,故填without。
44. to talk。考查非谓语动词。have time to do sth.意为“有做某事的时间”。
45. approaching。考查非谓语动词。one与approach之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且approach所表示的动作与谓语动作同时发生,故填approaching。
46. and。考查固定搭配。up and down意为“一上一下”。
47. with。考查介词。agree with sb.意为“同意某人”。
48. disagree。考查动词。由连词but可知,设空处所在句意为“我理解,但我不同意”,故填disagree。
49. carefully。考查副词。设空处修饰动词listening,故填carefully。
50. what。考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句,且在从句中作宾语,故填what。

A篇 (科普知识)
1. A。推理判断题。由第一段的after being left by her parents in a car that was parked outside herhouse. The baby was forgotten, according to the police可知,这个孩子的家长很粗心,以至于酿成悲剧。
2. C。细节理解题。由第二段的stop people from accidentally leaving their young children in thecar after they get out of it可知,“热座”是用来防止父母把孩子忘在车里的装置。
3. B。细节理解题。由第三段的I felt that would be a good project for my eighth-grade science fairproject可知,Chavez的报警系统是她在八年级的时候发明的。
4. D。细节理解题。由最后一段的If the parent is more than 40 feet away from the car ... If it does,then three alarms will go off可知,如果婴儿在汽车里,当父母离他(她)超过40英尺(约12米)的时候,这三种警报就会响起。
5. D。主旨大意题。文章介绍了美国一名17岁女生发明的一种报警系统,它能够有效防止婴儿被家长遗忘在汽车里。故选D项。
B篇 (健康)
6. D。细节理解题。由第一段的Jeri Solomon is a morning person but Jim, her husband of 11 years,is not可知,Jeri 和 Jim有不同的生活习惯。
7. D。篇章结构题。由第一段Jeri 和 Jim的对比以及第二段中larks和owls的对比可知,larks应该是一种早起的小鸟。
8. B。推理判断题。由第三段的If yours is on the long side ... you're probably an early riser及school-age children are generallyearly birds ... adults gradually turn back into morning people可知,人的生物钟是变化的,小孩的稍短一点,青少年的稍长一些,而成年人的又稍短一点。故选B项。
9. D。细节理解题。由倒数第二段的night owls can stay more focused as the day goes on, compared withearly risers可知,熬夜的人在白天注意力会越来越集中。
10. A。写作目的题。结合整篇文章可知,文章的写作目的是解释为什么有些人习惯早起,而有些人却习惯熬夜。故选A项。
2015-10-24 · TA获得超过212个赞
1-5 DACDA 6-10 BDCBD
11-15 ACCDB 16-20DGBCF 21-25 BDADC 26-30CBABC
31-35 BACCD 36-40DBCBA
41. surprised 42.be sent
43. without 44.to talk
45. approaching 46.and
47. with 48. disagree
49. carefully 50.what
51. ... something for ... for → to
52. ... live the better life. the→ a
53. ... but you try ...
去掉but或but → yet
54. ... delicious meal ... meal → meals
55. ... help me make ... help → helps
56. ... encouraged me ...
encouraged→ encourage
57. ... keep try. try → trying
58. ... to brave ... brave前加be
59. ... so many. many → much
60. ... deeply love. deeply → deep
One possible version:
Dear David,
How is everything going? My friends and Ihave decided to go on an adventure trip to Hainan Islandduring the summer holidays. I am writing to tell you about our travel plan.
We will be traveling around Hainan Islandfrom July 15 to 21. While there we will go hiking, climb the mountains, swimnear the beach and have a campfire party. We also plan to go diving if weatherpermits. I'd like you to join us if possible. I am sure we will have a lot offun being together.
Please remember to pack your bathing suitand take your passport.
I'm looking forward to your reply.
A篇 (兴趣与爱好)
1. D。词义猜测题。由第二段的become interested in cooking可知,Andrews姐妹对烹饪很感兴趣,故选D项。
2. A。细节理解题。由文章中的Our mom and dad taught us the basics可知,Andrews姐妹的父母教她们开始做饭。
3. C。推理判断题。由倒数第三段的In the winter, Lilly and I love making hot soup. In the summer,we're always coming up with new salads可知,Andrews姐妹最喜欢做的菜会因季节变化而不同。
4. D。细节理解题。由最后一段的Start by adding new things to foods you already enjoy和Start small, and slowly可知,Andrews姐妹建议想学烹饪的人一点一点来尝试一些新事物。
B篇 (自然)
5. A。细节理解题。由第二段的The farmer spent many hours destroying the dam. Finally, the waterran out of his field and back to the river可知,农民拆掉河坝是为了让地里的水流出去。
6. B。推理判断题。由第二段的they left behind a farmer who never wanted to see such hard-workingbeavers again可知,农民再也不想见到筑坝的河狸,说明他很生气。
7. D。细节理解题。由倒数第二段的This makes a loud sound that warns other beavers to dive into safewater可知,遇到危险时,河狸的尾巴可以在水面上拍出巨大的响声,提醒其他河狸远离危险。
8. C。推理判断题。由最后一段可知,护林员认为河狸筑坝可以为水生动物提供栖居之所,便宜实用,故选C项。
C篇 (节假日活动)
本文是说明文。文章介绍了由FreshAir Fund组织主办的夏令营活动。
9. B。推理判断题。由第二段的“Here” is a summercamp that's only an hour from New York City可知,第一段是为了引出主题。
10. D。细节理解题。由第二段的The fund pays for all expenses可知,参加夏令营是免费的。
11. A。细节理解题。由第三段的go hiking, fishing, and of course, swimming可知,夏令营有很多运动可以参加。

D篇 (热点话题)
12. C。写作手法题。由第一段作者对其自身经历的介绍可知,该段的写作手法是举例子。
13. C。词义猜测题。由第二段的We need to break the cycle of financial illiteracy可知,money savvy的意思是“懂得理财的人”。
14. D。段落大意题。由第三段的buy insurance policies they didn't need. Many wasted their money onthem. Few have the patience to read the small print可知,很多人花钱时都稀里糊涂。
15. B。细节理解题。由最后一段的but I am simply telling them to spend it wisely可知,Martin Lewis建议人们理性地花钱。

16. D。由该空后面的They also have rules about who speaks first and how a conversationstarts and ends可知,不同的文化有不同的问候方式。
17. G。由该空前面的In some cultures, people take turns during a conversation可知,该段是讲说话顺序的,故选G项。
18. B。B项中的silence与上文的there is silence呼应,而且由该空后面的However, this doesn'thappen ... silence after someone has spoken shows respect for the speaker可知前后形成对比,故选B项。
19. C。由该空后面的family life is a good topic及money topics可知,各个地方的谈话主题有所不同。
20. F。由该空后面的They might start with a long introduction to their point and endwith a long conclusion可知,有些人会花费较长的时间去陈述自己的观点,故选F项。

21. B。由下文的there is no easy answer to that question可知,“不幸地(Unfortunately)”是这个问题并没有一个简单的答案。
22. D。由下文两位老师的观点可知,他们对如何学习语言持有“不同的(different)”观点。
23. A。上文的learn languages是提示。
24. D。由下文的long hours of study及需要预习背诵等可知,学习语言是“费力的(hard)”。
25. C。由本段学习语言的辛苦可知,学习语言是苦差事,不是“乐趣(fun)”。本段最后一句也是提示。
26. C。27. B。由文中的sittingat a desk receiving ... from the teacher
28. A。由下文的you should prepare for及by looking up new words可知,上课“前(Before)”应该提前作准备。
29. B。由下文的after the lesson is finished可知,要提前为“上课(lesson)”作准备。
30. C。由上文的looking up new words and translating words and texts可知,上课前要查新单词,翻译不“理解(understand)”的课文。
31. B。由上文的after the lesson is finished可知,下课后要“复习(review)”。
32. A。由上文的new及after thelesson is finished可知,课后要记“新(new)”语法。
33. C。由上文的prepare及下文的before the lesson可知,要向老师要课前“预习(prepare)”的资料。
34. C。由下文的This is just a form of playing games and is not learning可知,要“警惕(Be careful of)”让同学之间开展活动的老师。
35. D。由下文的language students do not ... classes in which they sit passively可知,这是“我”的“发现(found)”。
36. D。由下文的Nor do they like classes where the teacher可知,学生们不“喜欢(like)”被动地学习。
37. B。由上文的sit passively及下文的get learners actively interacting and communicating可知,学生们也不喜欢老师“主宰(controls)”一切的课堂。
38. C。由下文的satisfy learner needs in any way. We need major changes可知,“我们”需要改变,因为“我们”的课堂“并没有(failing)”满足学生的需要。
39. B。40. A。根据上文学生的不满可知,“我们”不仅要改变课程的内容,“尤其(especially)”要改变课程的类型,最“重要地(importantly)”是要对老师进行再培训。

41. surprised。考查形容词。由be可知此处填形容词,又因主语是you,故填surprised。
42. be sent。考查语态。messages与send之间是被动关系,故填besent。
43. without。考查介词。由smile and ... continue on可知,人们在街上遇到熟人时,可能会微笑,点头后继续前行,而没有言语交流,故填without。
44. to talk。考查非谓语动词。have time to do sth.意为“有做某事的时间”。
45. approaching。考查非谓语动词。one与approach之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且approach所表示的动作与谓语动作同时发生,故填approaching。
46. and。考查固定搭配。up and down意为“一上一下”。
47. with。考查介词。agree with sb.意为“同意某人”。
48. disagree。考查动词。由连词but可知,设空处所在句意为“我理解,但我不同意”,故填disagree。
49. carefully。考查副词。设空处修饰动词listening,故填carefully。
50. what。考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句,且在从句中作宾语,故填what。

A篇 (科普知识)
1. A。推理判断题。由第一段的after being left by her parents in a car that was parked outside herhouse. The baby was forgotten, according to the police可知,这个孩子的家长很粗心,以至于酿成悲剧。
2. C。细节理解题。由第二段的stop people from accidentally leaving their young children in thecar after they get out of it可知,“热座”是用来防止父母把孩子忘在车里的装置。
3. B。细节理解题。由第三段的I felt that would be a good project for my eighth-grade
science fairproject可知,Chavez的报警系统是她在八年级的时候发明的。
4. D。细节理解题。由最后一段的If the parent is more than 40 feet away from the car ... If it does,then three alarms will go off可知,如果婴儿在汽车里,当父母离他(她)超过40英尺(约12米)的时候,这三种警报就会响起。
5. D。主旨大意题。文章介绍了美国一名17岁女生发明的一种报警系统,它能够有效防止婴儿被家长遗忘在汽车里。故选D项。
B篇 (健康)
6. D。细节理解题。由第一段的Jeri Solomon is a morning person but Jim, her husband of 11 years,is not可知,Jeri 和 Jim有不同的生活习惯。
7. D。篇章结构题。由第一段Jeri 和 Jim的对比以及第二段中larks和owls的对比可知,larks应该是一种早起的小鸟。
8. B。推理判断题。由第三段的If yours is on the long side ... you're probably an early riser及school-age children are generallyearly birds ... adults gradually turn back into morning people可知,人的生物钟是变化的,小孩的稍短一点,青少年的稍长一些,而成年人的又稍短一点。故选B项。
9. D。细节理解题。由倒数第二段的night owls can stay more focused as the day goes on, compared withearly risers可知,熬夜的人在白天注意力会越来越集中。
10. A。写作目的题。结合整篇文章可知,文章的写作目的是解释为什么有些人习惯早起,而有些人却习惯熬夜。故选A项。
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