求大神翻译一下 啊急用
根据联合国粮农组织/联合国教科文组织(粮农组织等,1988年修订版),土壤乃属于土壤分类中“艳色雏形土”(Chromic Cambisol)。除了决定其分类级别的淡色A层和雏形B层之外,这土壤缺乏诊断性特性。在艳色雏形土的土壤单位中,所得出的碳酸盐含量颇低,并呈现深(暗)红棕色。在超过65厘米深度处出现的黏化B层(argic B horizon)并不足以将土壤置于更高的分类级别(若黏化B层的出现处接近土壤表面,则土壤必须界定为“艳色淋溶土”(Chromic Luvisol))。
原文摘自“Reference soil of Chaoyang County, typical of formerly wooded, hilly areas, in the SW of Liaoning Province”一文。译者非土质学专业,仅以英语文意理解,并参考中国土坏数据库的资料作参考。
According to FAO/Unesco (FAO et al., 1988), the soil is classified as a Chromic Cambisol. It lacks diagnostic features other than an ochric A and a cambic B horizon, which determine its place in the major soil group of Cambisols. The low content of carbonates, as well as the strong brown to reddish colour, locates it in the soil unit of Chromic Cambisols. The presence of an argic B horizon at more than 65 cm below the surface is not relevant to high level classification (where the argic B horizon is present close to the surface, the soil must be classified as a Chromic Luvisol).
原文摘自“Reference soil of Chaoyang County, typical of formerly wooded, hilly areas, in the SW of Liaoning Province”一文。译者非土质学专业,仅以英语文意理解,并参考中国土坏数据库的资料作参考。
According to FAO/Unesco (FAO et al., 1988), the soil is classified as a Chromic Cambisol. It lacks diagnostic features other than an ochric A and a cambic B horizon, which determine its place in the major soil group of Cambisols. The low content of carbonates, as well as the strong brown to reddish colour, locates it in the soil unit of Chromic Cambisols. The presence of an argic B horizon at more than 65 cm below the surface is not relevant to high level classification (where the argic B horizon is present close to the surface, the soil must be classified as a Chromic Luvisol).