Your touch like brush strokes you hold colour in my skin
The deep blue and pearl white glow like porcelain
As I stare clear through the window that I'm locked within
I count the seconds to see you again
Possessions reach cannot hold beauty such as yours
Yet still it's clouds shroud your light so your petals fall
Your flowers kiss I reminisce now I only see in picture frames
The sky is crying blue as I wait for you
The fire in my heart burning white and true
A thousand miles the smoke is rising high both sides
I see your shadow outlined through
The sky still dark as I make my way to you
White moon light guides our way fields of morning dew
Our world is greener on the other side so free
The time is calling
Perfection locked and untouched trapped behind this glaze
The shining white holds it's shape so elegantly
Beautiful blue hides entwined hold it's secrets tight
All of it's mysteries subdued beneath
These eyes have only one mind set upon us two
My present past and the future reside in you
Although the ink has come to fade
It's art and meaning still remain
The sky is crying blue as I wait for you
The fire in my heart burning white and true
A thousand miles the smoke is rising high both sides
I see your shadow outlined through
The sky still dark as I make my way to you
White moon light guides our way fields of morning dew
Our world is greener on the other side so free
The time is calling
似水流年 却是如歌
The sky is crying blue as I wait for you
The fire in my heart burning white and true
Our world is greener on the other side so free
The time is calling
似水流年 却是如歌
《青花瓷》的英文版《Green Flower Porcelein》。另一版本英文版的《青花瓷》来自于罗艺恒。周杰伦的中国风歌曲的难度和韵味,中国风歌曲歌词的意义让这一位外国人望而却步。
瓶身描绘的牡丹一如你初妆 Peony profiles on that reflect your dressing by
冉冉檀香透过窗心事我了然 Understanding your secrect over perfume
宣纸上走笔至此搁一半 What makes me lay the brush down I sigh
釉色渲染仕女图韵味被私藏 In glaze covering hides the charm of paints
而你嫣然的一笑如含苞待放 While your smile blossoms like breeze
你的美一缕飘散去到我去不了的地方 Regretting to leave it gone till the untouchable space
天青色等烟雨而我在等你 Skyblue needs the rain as I need you
炊烟袅袅升起隔江千万里 Mist rises I find miles away distant to
在瓶底书汉隶仿前朝的飘逸 Only have to devote in artical carving
就当我为遇见你伏笔 Am I drunk in the first meeting with the love
天青色等烟雨而我在等你 Skyblue needs the rain as I need you
月色被打捞起晕开了结局 Drawing down the moonlight it reveals the move
如传世的青花瓷自顾自美丽你眼带笑意 Lonely but pride the porcelain shines as the love
色白花青的锦鲤跃然于碗底 Fish carving down a moment, vivid, how's that
临摹宋体落款时却惦记著你 Signature there I cann't get rid of the missing thought
你隐藏在窑烧里千年的秘密 Your legendary has being passed down over thousands of years
极细腻犹如绣花针落地 In my eyes still it's so visible, obvious hits
帘外芭蕉惹骤雨门环惹铜绿 The shower meets my outdoor trees and patina fills the old days
而我路过那江南小镇惹了你 Aged waiting in the north town tells out my stay
在泼墨山水画里你从墨色深处被隐去 Splashing of ink is my last choice to conceal the replay
天青色等烟雨而我在等你 Skyblue needs the rain as I need you
炊烟袅袅升起隔江千万里 Mist rises I find miles away distant to
在瓶底书汉隶仿前朝的飘逸 Only have to devote in artical carving
就当我为遇见你伏笔 Am I drunk in the first meeting with the love
天青色等烟雨而我在等你 Skyblue needs the rain as I need you
月色被打捞起晕开了结局 Drawing down the moonlight it reveals the move
如传世的青花瓷自顾自美丽你眼带笑意 Lonely but pride the porcelain shines as the love
青花瓷--英文歌词"Blue and White Porcelain"
青花瓷--"Blue and White Porcelain"
Words by Vincent Fang
Music by Jay Chou
Sung by Jay Chou
素胚勾勒出青花笔锋浓转淡 Blue strokes tailing off
瓶身描绘的牡丹一如你初妆 Peony lying against the vase, like only you.
冉冉檀香透过窗心事我了然 Fragrance of sandalwood seep through window, recalling a story untold.
宣纸上走笔至此搁一半 Idle is the brush on the paper, the painting is only half-done.
釉色渲染仕女图韵味被私藏 The portrait of the maiden is glazed, and its charm lingers.
而你嫣然的一笑如含苞待放 Your shining smile is like a bud in bloom.
你的美一缕飘散去到我去不了的地方 All is gone on the wind to a place I cannot reach.
天青色等烟雨而我在等你 Waiting for you, like the most beautiful porcelain colour expecting rain.
炊烟袅袅升起隔江千万里 Smoke dances towards the sky, across the distant river.
在瓶底书汉隶仿前朝的飘逸 The calligraphy records a Han style.
就当我为遇见你伏笔 With a hint of a classic smile, let it serve to foreshadow an encounter still unknown.
天青色等烟雨而我在等你 Waiting for you, like the most beautiful porcelain colour expecting rain.
月色被打捞起晕开了结局 Moon in the water disturbed by a ripple, suggest a possible ending.
如传世的青花瓷自顾自美丽你眼带笑意 Your eyes glitter with a smile, like the narcissist porcelain of ages past.
色白花青的锦鲤跃然於碗底 Blue carp stands out vividly against the white
临摹宋体落款时却惦记著你 Of you the Song-style signature is a reminder.
你隐藏在窑烧里千年的秘密 The secret sealed for generation in the kiln,
极细腻犹如绣花针落地 is more delicate than a fallen needle.
帘外芭蕉惹骤雨门环惹铜绿 Mischievous plantain invites a shower and the cunning patina creeps over the knocker
而我路过那江南小镇惹了你 Dropping in on the town by the river, I catch sight of innocent you.
在泼墨山水画里你从墨色深处被隐去 You are fading now, in the heavy ink of a landscape painting.