让我们,对全校教职员工说声“谢谢”,因为你们的存在, 我们才可以舒心的学习和生活。
记得我们还很稚嫩,而今我们已经逐步走向成熟。记得我们有很多梦想,而今我们即将踏上社会——全新的环境等待我们去适应。同学们,让我们牢记母校领导、老师们对我们的殷切期望;让我们牢记母校*****的校训。我们将在母校的关注下,在四自精神的鼓舞下,以饱满的战斗激情,去投身社会,服务社会,奉献青春,实现自我。 展开
让我们,对全校教职员工说声“谢谢”,因为你们的存在, 我们才可以舒心的学习和生活。
记得我们还很稚嫩,而今我们已经逐步走向成熟。记得我们有很多梦想,而今我们即将踏上社会——全新的环境等待我们去适应。同学们,让我们牢记母校领导、老师们对我们的殷切期望;让我们牢记母校*****的校训。我们将在母校的关注下,在四自精神的鼓舞下,以饱满的战斗激情,去投身社会,服务社会,奉献青春,实现自我。 展开
For four years together in the collage, we 've left our marks in many organisations. For four years together, we had felt overstressed for our exams and grades and we had fought for it. For four years, we laught and cried, we learnt how to get our work well done, we get known about analysing and thinking, teamwork and competetion. But after today, we will come to end our years of collage life, and we will say farewell to our dearly friends, to our respected professors, and to our adorable collage, set sail to our very own voyages.
We will, save every pieces of our photos as well as those memories.
We will, hug everyone you adore with or you received hands when you were in trouble once, 'cause we may hardly see each other once more in our journeies of life.
And we will, we will say "sorry" to those we've hurt, and forgive those who had hurt us, let only the friendship remines but not regradness.
In the end, we are going to thank about the staffs of the collage for served us for four years, we might not be able to study and live in our so comfortable little places.
We are still young, yet we are ready to set sail, to grow up more. We have many dreams and we are going to fight for them in a greater environment. The words and espectations from our principles and professors will keep in our mind. We will serve our homeland with our lifes and make it a better place, and we will , show the world our values!
We will, save every pieces of our photos as well as those memories.
We will, hug everyone you adore with or you received hands when you were in trouble once, 'cause we may hardly see each other once more in our journeies of life.
And we will, we will say "sorry" to those we've hurt, and forgive those who had hurt us, let only the friendship remines but not regradness.
In the end, we are going to thank about the staffs of the collage for served us for four years, we might not be able to study and live in our so comfortable little places.
We are still young, yet we are ready to set sail, to grow up more. We have many dreams and we are going to fight for them in a greater environment. The words and espectations from our principles and professors will keep in our mind. We will serve our homeland with our lifes and make it a better place, and we will , show the world our values!