世界第一次翻译英语 是如何翻译过来的呢

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1. 十九世纪中叶,五口通商的结果使广州成为中国人从实用角度开始学习英语的最早地方。当时在广州出现了一本英语教科书,叫做《鬼话》(Devil's Talk)。其实,这部旨在教中国人学习英语的课本不过是一种粗浅的、用汉语注音的英语词汇入门书。例如:把today 注为“土地”,把man注为“曼”。1884年上海的点石斋石印了一本可以被称之为最早的英语900句的会话书,书名叫《无师自通英语录》。这部书突破了《鬼话》只以单词为核心的编排方式,而代之以译成汉语的英文句子为核心。当然,它仍采用汉语的字词来标注英文的读音。例如:How many chapters are there in this book? 这句英文被注成了“好美呢却迫忒儿司阿儿则儿意因祭司不克”。另外,英文在上海更发展成了以通俗的、类似打油诗一样压韵的竹枝词为载体的不乏趣味的“洋泾浜”英语,这就是所谓的“别琴”竹枝词。“别琴”这两个字原本是英文business(生意)的近似汉语读音,后来英国人恶意地取笑这种不准确的读音,于是就用pidgin这个发音相近的英文词来表示胡编乱造的、不规范、不准确的英文。Pidgin English便成了“洋泾浜英语”的代称。举个例子博大家一笑:“清晨相见好猫迎(早上见面说good morning),好度油图嘘阔情(相互问候说how do you do);若不从中市归市(squeeze,意思是敲诈),如何觅市叫先生(先生为Mr.)。”

  2. 从英语习得史的角度看,在这一英语学习的“启蒙期”,中国人学习英语的方法特点是:(1)完全以字为中心,简略之极;(2)完全以汉文化的生存实境来强迫英文就范。换句话说就是:“字本位”,中学为体,西学为用,“以中制夷”。只是,依照这样的方法学出来的英文真难为了洋鬼子。

  3. 1898年,一个名叫马建中的人出版了一部影响巨大的著作——《马氏文通》。这是国人写的第一部汉语语法书,以欧洲语言的所谓“葛郎玛”(grammar)来系统地解释古汉语的文言文。“葛郎玛”这样一种总结语言规律的方法被马建中拿来“以夷制中”,使国人茅塞顿开地感受到汉语文言文亦有语言“规律”可循。从英语习得史的角度看,进入这一以“句本位”为特征的英语学习的“理解期”后,中国人学习英语的方法一变而为强调“语法”,即注意力转向到英文词与词之间的“构成关系”上,重视完整的句子,旨在理解英文的“意义结构”。对于“启蒙期”而言,无疑这是一次英语学习方法上的革命
1. Mid-19th century, the result of five trade to become China's Guangzhou from the practical point of view began to learn English in the first place. At that time, in Guangzhou has an English textbook called "pack of lies" (Devil's Talk). In fact, this to the Chinese people learning English textbooks is nothing but a shallow, with the Chinese Phonetic entry of the English vocabulary. For example: the injection today for the "land", the man Note for the "Man." 1884 in Shanghai, Shi Yin has a vegetarian may be the earliest known as the 900 English conversation book, the title is meant by "non-self-division English record." The breakthrough on the "pack of lies" only in words as the core of the presentation and replaced it with the English sentence to Chinese as the core. Of course, it is still used Chinese words to mark the English pronunciation. For example: How many chapters are there in this book? This note in English was a "good it is to force the United States listeriosis infants Secretary Albania intended for infants, children priests Buke." In addition, the development of English in Shanghai has become a more popular, like similar Dayou Shi Ya Yun Zhuzhici as the carrier of the many interesting "Pidgin" English, this is the so-called "Do not Kum" Zhuzhici. "Do not Kum" This is the original word in English business (business) Approximate Chinese pronunciation and later the British maliciously make fun of this accurate pronunciation, then used the pidgin English pronunciation of the word similar to that Hubianluanzao, Not standardized, accurate English. Pidgin English has become "Pidgin English" substituting said. For example Bo everyone laughed: "Towards a good cat to meet the early morning (the morning meeting said good morning), a good map Xu width of the oil industry (greetings to each other that how do you do); if not from the city to the city (squeeze, meaning Extortion), how to find the city called President (Mr. Mr.). "

2. Acquisition of English history from the point of view, in this English learning, "the Enlightenment period," the Chinese people learning English method is characterized by: (1) to complete the word as the center, a very brief (2) fully to the Han The survival of cultural reality to force the English into submission. In other words: "word-based" schools of, Western learning for use, "razed in the system." However, in accordance with the methodology by the English in order to Yang Guizi Zhennan.

3.1898, a person named Ma Jianzhong published a tremendous impact on the works - "Ma Wen Tong." This is the first Chinese to write the Department of Chinese grammar book, the European language of the so-called "Gelang Mary" (grammar) to explain ancient Chinese system of classical Chinese. "Gelang Mary" Such a way of summing up language used by Ma Jianzhong, "razed to the system" so that people feel Maosedunkai Chinese classical Chinese language has "the law" to follow. Acquisition of English history from the point of view, to enter the "sentence of the foundation" for studying the characteristics of the English "understood period," the Chinese people learning English means a change for the emphasis on "grammar", that is, to turn their attention to English Words and between the words "a relationship", to complete sentences, to understand English, "meaning the structure." The "Enlightenment period", no doubt this is a method of learning English on the revolution
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