
1、Aswehaveknownsofar,thoughweseeaveryrichandstrongAmericatoday,thatcontinent,especial... 1、As we have known so far, though we see a very rich and strong America today, that continent, especially the South, has gone through many hard times. How did it deal with its troubled past and acquire so many chievements? Let’s take Atlanta for a closer look.
3、Martin Luther King, Jr., born in Atlanta, was one of the greatest leaders of the U.S. civil rights movement in the 1950s
and 1960s. He fought for equal rights for African Americans hrough marches, boycotts, speeches, writings, and nonviolent protests.
4、Segregation was a system that kept white and black people apart. It was primarily used in the American South. Blacks had to use separate schools, hospitals, and restrooms from whites. Here, a black man is ordered out of a “whites only” waiting room.
5、Many people who lost their jobs during the Great Depression had to do whatever they could. This man is selling apples on the street.
The Great Depression left millions of Americans in poverty. This photo of a sad man in a bread line is a symbol of this difficult period in United States history.
6、In 1861, the first year of the American Civil War, 11 slave states (states that allowed slavery) broke away from the Union to form the Confederacy. Some slave states chose to stay in the Union. The Union also included free states and free territories (which did not allow slavery).
7、After the USA was founded, there were still many problems in the country. In the 1800s, the Northern states and Southern states were very different. The Northern states were industrial. The Southern states focused more on farming. Slaves from Africa tended the fields and picked the cotton.
Northern states had stopped slavery, and many Northerners believed that slavery should be removed in all states.
11、George Washington led the fight against the British in the American Revolution. When the war was over in 1783, the colonies were free from Britain. With independence came a new nation, the United States of America.
9、In the 1830s, the United States government forced large groups of Native Americans to move away from their old hunting grounds onto poor land, Indian Territory. This territory later became part of the state of Oklahoma. The march to Indian Territory became known among the Cherokee people as the Trail of Tears.
10、They brought much hardship to Native Americans such as European diseases, which swept the continent. Many Native Americans died from these diseases before they even saw the newcomers.
And greed, wars…
11、Native Americans who lived near the Great Lakes often fished by torchlight. The light drew fish to the surface of the water, which then could be caught with spears.
2006-04-08 · TA获得超过1586个赞
1、As we have known so far, though we see a very rich and strong America today, that continent, especially the South, has gone through many hard times. How did it deal with its troubled past and acquire so many chievements? Let’s take Atlanta for a closer look.
3、Martin Luther King, Jr., born in Atlanta, was one of the greatest leaders of the U.S. civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. He fought for equal rights for African Americans hrough marches, boycotts, speeches, writings, and nonviolent protests.
马丁 路德 金,出生于亚特兰大,是二十世纪五,六十年代美国著名的民权运动领导人。他通过一系列的游行,抵制,演讲,著作和非暴力抗议行动为非洲裔美国人争取平等的权利。
4、Segregation was a system that kept white and black people apart. It was primarily used in the American South. Blacks had to use separate schools, hospitals, and restrooms from whites. Here, a black man is ordered out of a “whites only” waiting room.
5、Many people who lost their jobs during the Great Depression had to do whatever they could. This man is selling apples on the street.
The Great Depression left millions of Americans in poverty. This photo of a sad man in a bread line is a symbol of this difficult period in United States history.
6、In 1861, the first year of the American Civil War, 11 slave states (states that allowed slavery) broke away from the Union to form the Confederacy. Some slave states chose to stay in the Union. The Union also included free states and free territories (which did not allow slavery).
7、After the USA was founded, there were still many problems in the country. In the 1800s, the Northern states and Southern states were very different. The Northern states were industrial. The Southern states focused more on farming. Slaves from Africa tended the fields and picked the cotton.
Northern states had stopped slavery, and many Northerners believed that slavery should be removed in all states.
11、George Washington led the fight against the British in the American Revolution. When the war was over in 1783, the colonies were free from Britain. With independence came a new nation, the United States of America.
乔治 华盛顿在美国(独立)战争期间领导了抵抗英国军队的战斗。当战争在1783年结束时,殖民地从英联邦(脱离)独立出来,一个新的国家随之诞生,那就是美利坚合众国。
9、In the 1830s, the United States government forced large groups of Native Americans to move away from their old hunting grounds onto poor land, Indian Territory. This territory later became part of the state of Oklahoma. The march to Indian Territory became known among the Cherokee people as the Trail of Tears.
10、They brought much hardship to Native Americans such as European diseases, which swept the continent. Many Native Americans died from these diseases before they even saw the newcomers.
And greed, wars…
他们给美洲土著人带来了类似于席卷美国大陆的“欧洲疾病” 的许多困难。许多土著人甚至在还没看到新居民之前就得病而死了。
11、Native Americans who lived near the Great Lakes often fished by torchlight. The light drew fish to the surface of the water, which then could be caught with spears.
2006-04-08 · TA获得超过1896个赞
1、As we have known so far, though we see a very rich and strong America today, that continent, especially the South, has gone through many hard times. How did it deal with its troubled past and acquire so many chievements? Let’s take Atlanta for a closer look.
我们已经知道,美国尽管现在看上去非常强盛,但是它也经历过一系列困难时期,尤其是美国南部地区. 那么美国是如何对待自己的过去并取得现在辉煌的成就的呢? 让我们来近距离了解一下亚特兰大.
3、Martin Luther King, Jr., born in Atlanta, was one of the greatest leaders of the U.S. civil rights movement in the 1950s
and 1960s. He fought for equal rights for African Americans hrough marches, boycotts, speeches, writings, and nonviolent protests.
小马丁·路德·金,出生于亚特兰大市,是19世纪五六十年代美国人权运动最伟大的领导人之一. 他毕生为了美国黑人的平等权益而奋斗. 通过游行,联合抵制运动,演讲,著作和非暴力抗议活动等表达自己的主张.
4、Segregation was a system that kept white and black people apart. It was primarily used in the American South. Blacks had to use separate schools, hospitals, and restrooms from whites. Here, a black man is ordered out of a “whites only” waiting room.
起源与美国南部的种族隔离体制隔开了黑种人与白种人. 黑种人不得不使用单独的学校,医院,甚至是卫生间,以示比白种人的地位低下.这里,一位黑人被迫离开一个"白人独享"的等候室(候诊室).
5、Many people who lost their jobs during the Great Depression had to do whatever they could. This man is selling apples on the street.
The Great Depression left millions of Americans in poverty. This photo of a sad man in a bread line is a symbol of this difficult period in United States history.
在经济大萧条之际,很多人都丢掉了工作,不得不尽其所能来养家糊口.这个人正在街上卖苹果. 经济大萧条让数以百万的美国人穷困潦倒. 这张图片上排队等候面包救济的可怜人是美国这一困难时期的标志.
6、In 1861, the first year of the American Civil War, 11 slave states (states that allowed slavery) broke away from the Union to form the Confederacy. Some slave states chose to stay in the Union. The Union also included free states and free territories (which did not allow slavery).
在1861年,美国南北战争的第一年,11个奴隶州(承认奴隶制的州府)从南部联邦里脱离出来组成南部同盟. 另一些奴隶州则选择继续留在南部联邦中.联邦还包括了三个自由州(不承认奴隶制的州府).
7、After the USA was founded, there were still many problems in the country. In the 1800s, the Northern states and Southern states were very different. The Northern states were industrial. The Southern states focused more on farming. Slaves from Africa tended the fields and picked the cotton.
美国建国后,还残留不少问题.直到18世纪,南北仍存在许多差异. 北方趋于工业化而南方仍以农业为基础. 从非洲来的奴隶们依旧在地里劳作,收摘棉花.
Northern states had stopped slavery, and many Northerners believed that slavery should be removed in all states.
11、George Washington led the fight against the British in the American Revolution. When the war was over in 1783, the colonies were free from Britain. With independence came a new nation, the United States of America.
乔治·华盛顿领导了反对英国的独立战争. 当战争于1783年结束时, 这块英国的殖民地终于解放了, 一个新国家--美利坚合众国独立了.
9、In the 1830s, the United States government forced large groups of Native Americans to move away from their old hunting grounds onto poor land, Indian Territory. This territory later became part of the state of Oklahoma. The march to Indian Territory became known among the Cherokee people as the Trail of Tears.
在18世纪三十年代,美国政府强迫大量的美国土著居民离开自己世世代代打猎的故乡而迁徙到贫瘠的地方--印地安那,其日后成为俄克拉荷马州的一部分. 这次迁徙后来被切罗基族人们称为"血泪的旅程".
10、They brought much hardship to Native Americans such as European diseases, which swept the continent. Many Native Americans died from these diseases before they even saw the newcomers.
And greed, wars…
他们给北美土著居民带来了更多的灾难,象是来自欧洲的疾病,扫荡了整个大陆. 许多土人甚至还没见到那些移民就丧命于这些疾病.
11、Native Americans who lived near the Great Lakes often fished by torchlight. The light drew fish to the surface of the water, which then could be caught with spears.
居住在五大湖区的美国土著居民常常借助火把的光亮来捕鱼. 光亮可以把鱼儿们吸引到水面上来,这样人们就可以用矛捕捉了.

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2006-04-08 · TA获得超过4.9万个赞

1、目前就我们所知, 尽管我们看到了一个富裕而强大的美国, 那片陆地, 尤其是南部, 经历了很多艰难时期。怎么处理这些麻烦事并取得大的成就呢?让我们把目光聚焦到亚特兰大看一看。
11、生活在五大湖附近的本土美国人经常用火炬捕鱼。 光线把鱼赶到水面,然后就能用长矛抓住它们。
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2006-04-08 · TA获得超过493个赞
1、As we have known so far, though we see a very rich and strong America today, that continent, especially the South, has gone through many hard times. How did it deal with its troubled past and acquire so many chievements? Let’s take Atlanta for a closer look.


3、Martin Luther King, Jr., born in Atlanta, was one of the greatest leaders of the U.S. civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. He fought for equal rights for African Americans hrough marches, boycotts, speeches, writings, and nonviolent protests.


4、Segregation was a system that kept white and black people apart. It was primarily used in the American South. Blacks had to use separate schools, hospitals, and restrooms from whites. Here, a black man is ordered out of a “whites only” waiting room.


5、Many people who lost their jobs during the Great Depression had to do whatever they could.
This man is selling apples on the street. The Great Depression left millions of Americans in poverty. This photo of a sad man in a bread line is a symbol of this difficult period in United States history.


6、In 1861, the first year of the American Civil War, 11 slave states (states that allowed slavery) broke away from the Union to form the Confederacy. Some slave states chose to stay in
the Union. The Union also included free states and free territories (which did not allow slavery).


7、After the USA was founded, there were still many problems in the country. In the 1800s, the
Northern states and Southern states were very different. The Northern states were industrial. The Southern states focused more on farming. Slaves from Africa tended the fields and picked the cotton.
Northern states had stopped slavery, and many Northerners believed that slavery should be removed in all states.


11、George Washington led the fight against the British in the American Revolution. When the war was over in 1783, the colonies were free from Britain. With independence came a new nation, the United States of America.


9、In the 1830s, the United States government forced large groups of Native Americans to move
away from their old hunting grounds onto poor land, Indian Territory. This territory later became part of the state of Oklahoma. The march to Indian Territory became known among the Cherokee people as the Trail of Tears.


10、They brought much hardship to Native Americans such as European diseases, which swept
the continent. Many Native Americans died from these diseases before they even saw the newcomers.
And greed, wars…


11、Native Americans who lived near the Great Lakes often fished by torchlight. The light drew
fish to the surface of the water, which then could be caught with spears.

11. 住在五大湖地区的美国原住民经常点着火把打鱼,等火光把鱼吸引过来了,他们就用矛把鱼抓住。
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2006-04-08 · TA获得超过5.4万个赞
我们到目前为止知道的1?As, 虽然我们今天看见非常富有和强的美国, 那个大陆, 特别是南部, 审阅许多困难时期。 它怎么处理了它麻烦过去和获取了许多chievements? 让我们采取亚特兰大为仔细的审视。
3?Martin Luther 国王, Jr., 负担在亚特兰大, 是U 的最了不起的领导的当中一个。S 。 民权运动在50 年代
并且60 年代。 他斗争为相等的权利非裔美国人hrough 3月, 抵制, 讲话, 文字, 并且非暴力抗议。
4?Segregation 是保留白和黑人单独的系统。 它主要被使用了在美国南部。 黑色必须使用分开的学校, 医院, 并且休息室从白色。 这里, 一个黑人被定购出于"白色唯一" 候诊室。
5?Many 失去他们的工作在巨大消沉期间的人们必须做什么他们能。 这个人卖苹果在街道。
巨大消沉把成千上万美国人留在在贫穷。 一个哀伤的人的这张相片在等救济队伍是这个困难的期间的标志在美国历史上。
6?In 1861 年, 美国内战的第一年, 允许奴隶制) 的11 个奴隶状态(声明打破从联合形成南部邦联。 一些奴隶状态选择停留在联合。 联合并且包括没有允许奴隶制) 的自由状态和自由疆土(。
7?After 美国建立了, 仍然有许多问题在国家。 在19 世纪, 北状态和南方的州是非常不同的。 北状态是工业的。 南方的州集中更多于种田。 奴隶从非洲趋向了领域和采摘了棉花。
北状态停止了奴隶制, 并且许多北方人相信, 奴隶制应该被取消在所有状态。
11?George 华盛顿带领了与英国的战斗在美国革命。 1783 年当战争是结束, 殖民地是从不列颠解脱。 以独立来了一个新国家, 美国。
9?In 1830s, 美国政府迫使大小组当地美国人对移动从他们的老猎场恶劣的土地, 印第安疆土。 这疆土以后成为了一部分的俄克拉何马州。 行军对印第安疆土出名在车落基印第安人的人民之中作为泪花足迹。
10?They 带来了困难给当地美国人譬如欧洲疾病, 哪些清扫了大陆。 许多当地美国人死了于这些疾病在他们甚而看见了新来者之前。
并且贪婪, 战争...
11?Native 居住在大湖附近的美国人经常钓鱼了由火炬。 光画了鱼对水的表面, 哪些能然后被捉住与矛。
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